September 7

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Today was Dean’s first day of school. I put him straight into first grade. He’s almost seven, and I just told the school that he’d been in kindergarten back in Kansas. They didn’t press too hard when I told them that the kids had lost their mother, and we’d been moving around. I think we’ll stay here for a while. Or try, anyway. I felt normal again while I was taking Dean to school. He asked on the way in whether kids in school learned the same stuff he’d been learning. I had to tell him that maybe it wasn’t a good idea for him to talk about Dad’s job on the playground. He came home on top of the world, and he brought me worksheets with the names of the different parts of a fish, different numbers of apples and oranges added together . . . this is what it should be like. Why can’t it? Sammy wants to be in school too. I can’t even imagine staying in one place for long enough that he’ll start here. Three years seems like forever.

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