November 2

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Mary has been dead for a year. I’m never going to be over it, and I wouldn’t want to be. But I’ve spent the last year getting better at revenge. Maybe this is a good time to write down everything I’ve learned about Lawrence.

1.Corner of 8th and Massachusetts Ghost, woman in nineteenth-century dress.

2. 7th and Massachusettsdge Hotel. Word is the city’s going to rebud it, so maybe the haunt change—but Missouri says there’s something about the fifth foor. She gets visions more easily there like the spirit world is closer somehow.

3.Stull Church: abandoned since 1922. No roof, but you can stand inside it in a thunderstorm and not get wet. Rain will not falk on it. A crucifix still hangs on the wall but turns upside down when you approach.

4. Stull Cemetery: Devil said to appear there twice a year on the vernal equinox and Halloween. He is visiting the grave of one of his chidren, born of a human witch dead after a few days.

5.Haskell Institute:children's cemetery near Taminend Hall, full of uneasy ghosts. Another ghost, a coed suicide haunts the basement of Pocahontas Hall , Hiawatha Hall full of bad echoes, the sorrow and pain of generations of abused children. How many of them died?

I’m learning about hauntings. Everyone I’ve talked to and read thinks they know everything about hauntings, but they all say something different. Or so vague that it doesn’t mean anything. I read this and that, and tell myself that if I keep doing it, I’ll start to see the patterns.

In the world of spirits is always a very great number of them, as being the first sort of all, in order to their examination and preparation; but there is no fixed time for their stay; for some are translated to heaven and others confined to hell soon after their arrival; whilst some continue there for weeks, and others for several years . . . Ebenezer Sibly

This reminded me of Doc B of Newburgh:

As soon as this man was left alone in this place, the devil, imagining that he had found the right moment for breaking his courage, incontinently roused up his own chosen vessel, who appeared to have reposed longer than usual. Having beheld this from afar, he grew stiff with terror by reason of his being alone; but soon recovering his courage, and no place of refuge being at hand, he valiantly withstood the onset of the fiend, who came rushing upon him with a terrible noise, and he struck the axe which he wielded in his hand deep into his body. On receiving this wound, the monster groaned aloud, and turning his back, fled with a rapidity not at all inferior to that with which he had advanced, while the admirable man urged his flying foe from behind, and compelled him to seek his own tomb again; which opening of its own accord, and receiving its guest from the advance of the pursuer, immediately appeared to close again with the same facility. In the meantime, they who, impatient of the coldness of the night, had retreated to the fire ran up, though somewhat too late, and, having heard what had happened, rendered needful assistance in digging up and removing from the midst of the tomb the accursed corpse at the earliest dawn. When they had divested it of the clay cast forth with it, they found the huge wound it had received, and a great quantity of gore which had flowed from it in the sepulchre; and so having carried it away beyond the walls of the monastery and burnt it, they scattered the ashes to the winds.

      Everyone agrees that you have to burn them to make sure they stay dead. Should have burned Doc Benton, too, but I’m guessing the chainsaw did the trick.

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