January 24

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For his seventh birthday, I took Dean shooting again. He

wanted to re one of the big guns—that’s what he called them.

I let him shoot the Browning, but I steadied his hands. Sammy

wanted me to help him make Dean a card. It was like a normal

day, like we were a normal family with a mom who was off

shopping or at work or something. Instead of dead. That illusion never lasts. I can’t afford to let it.

The wicked Utukku who slays man alive on the plain.

The wicked Alû who covers (man) like a garment.

The wicked Etimmu, the wicked Gallû, who

bind the body.

The Lamme (Lamashtu), the Lammea (Labasu),

who cause disease in the body.

The Lilû who wanders in the plain.

They have come nigh unto a suffering man

on the outside.

They have brought about a painful malady

in his body. The curse of evil has come into his body.

An evil goblin they have placed in his body.

An evil bane has come into his body.

Evil poison they have placed in his body.

An evil malediction has come into his parts.

Evil and trouble they have placed in his body.

Poison and taint have come into his body.

They have produced evil.

Evil being, evil face, evil mouth, evil tongue.

Sorcery, venom, slaver, wicked machinations,

Which are produced in the body of the sick man.

O woe for the sick man whom they cause to

moan like a šaharrat-pot.

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