December 14

514 10 0

I actually fell asleep last night . . . then woke up in a cold sweat five minutes later. Feeling that presence again . . . and thinking. I've been reading about fires, how they start, how quickly they spread . . . but one of the books talked about strange fires, fires with no explanations . . . it said that some people believe fire can be controlled by certain evil entities, beings, and used to harm people. It's crazy, the stuff of fairy tales . . . like firebreathing dragons, right? But then I remembered . . . when I went back into Sammy's room that night, when I tried to get to Mary . . . the fire leaped out. Leaped out at me . . . like it had a purpose, like it wanted to keep me away, to stop me from reaching her. Like someone was controlling it.

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