Chapter 2

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Where could it be!!! I searched everywhere in my backpack. But it was not there. I was dreadfuly panicking. I couldn't just loose a notebook in less than 10 minutes. I was really worried. I kept looking at my watch 10 more minutes. Ive been searching for my journal all this class period?. I got my backpack and went for it. I RAN!!. He didn't see me!!!Yes!! Ok so where do I go first. Oh right Mr Harrison.

"I'm sorry Luke but you did not leave anything here." he said. Fuck! Where could it be!!!

"Thank You Mr Harrison.".

"Anytime Luke.".

I went to Mr Warren but he said the same thing. Last but not least, The office. The same words were repeated. I look at my watch 11:35am. Great, now I'm 2 minutes late from picking Lena from her class. I jog my way upstairs and I turn on the right hallway. I keep going straight and I check my phone. 11:40am. The bell is about to ring in like 1 minute. I walk faster but my eyes are still on the phone. Then the unexpected happened. I bumped into this guy and hit our heads with eachothers.

"Ow!!See where your going, next time!!".

"I would like to say the same to you."

Oh my God. That voice. I had my eyes closed. I open my eyes and it's Yorky!!!

"Hey, you're that guy!!!Luke, right?" I can't believe he knows my name!!!!.

" Luke" I stutter. The bell rings and everyone starts roaming the halls.

"Well, Luke I was looking for you. You left this in your desk when you left." he pulled out my notebook.

"My notebook!!!!Oh my God thanks!!!!!".

"I hope you don't mind, but I took a peek in your notebook." he said.

"You opened my notebook?!?" I yelled.

"Yeah sorry.".

"Apology accepted.".

"Yeah ok well I have to go. And hey, I think that you're a good writer and drawer. Just wanted to put that out for you." and he walked away.

I was speechless. Lena came a few minutes later and asked me what was wrong with me. I told her everything. But she's not a great help when it comes to this."Well don't get your hopes up. Hes just playing with you.".

"Your no help.".

As we enter the cafeteria, we see a fight going on but we just walk away. I don't know why we're like the other kids. They get excited when they see a fight. I think its just dumb and retarded. We go to the lunch line and wait for to get lunch. "Hey Luke" says an annoying and familiar voice.

"Hey Mark" I said.

"What has gotten into you Luke?" he asked me. But I just walk away. I never really did like telling people what was wrong with me. But Mark knew everything about me. And when I mean everything, I literally mean everything. I looked up to him like a big brother. I was 16 and he was 18. Things changed though. Mark and me never talked and that's what kept us from our distance.

I went for a walk because I hate when Mark is with Lena. He flirts to much with her that it just seems wrong to me that he does it. I wander around outside and notice it's getting cloudy. Rain. I love the rain. As I walk around and head to the T Buildings, I see one of my friends but I don't even bother going up to talk to him. "Gosh how I hate high school" I say.

" Tell me about it" says a warm, sweet voice. I start to get redfaced. I turn around and it was Yorky. My heart is beating really fast!!."Hi" I say.

"That's it? I was expecting something better like, I'm sorry I left you in class.".

"Oh!! I had something to do. So yeah. Sorry about that.". He laughs and walks a little and comes back.

"Let's go for a walk.".

"Um....uh....ok?". We walk to the football field and sit in the benches.

"God these Football players suck!!!!".

"Its not like you can do better?" he said.

"You never know." I say.

I dig in my backpack and and take out the Twizzlers I brought from home."You want some?" He looks at me and grabs one.

"You know, at first I thought you were a bitch." he says.

"Why?" I asked him curiously."Well you looked mean.".

"Ok? That explains everything."

The whole lunch period we kept talking and laughing until the bell rang."I have to go." I tell him.

"I'll walk you".

"No!!I'm fine." He insisted and walked me to my class.

"Well we're here." I say.

"Yea. I see" he says. We stood there for a sec silent.

"Well goodbye" I say. "Bye then. Ill talk to you later"

."Ok." and I walk inside my class. I take a seat and smile the rest of the day. I couldn't believe I spent one lunch period with my crush.

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