Chapter 14

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I felt weak. All my body ached with pain. I couldn't even open my mouth. I tried to open my eyes but I could only open them a little. I could see Yorky. He was sitting next to the window looking outside. Osmara was sleeping next to Mark. Mark was looking at his phone. Elena fell asleep holding my hand. The doctor came in and everyone got up."He's ok. A few fractured bones but he'll be good as new.". Everyone let out a sigh of relief. The doctor left. Osmara and Mark left to get something to eat. While Elena and Yorky stayed with me.

It was quiet for a while until Elena broke the silence."What did you tell him." she asked in a serious tone."I asked him to give me another chance." he replied."Bullshit!!.You broke up with him!!."."I broke up with him Sunday."."Leave him alone."."You know I can't do that."."Yes you can Walter.!!!"."I can't let him go!!!I love him!!!"."Then why did you break up with him!!!!."."Cause I thought he needed someone better than me!!!"."Typical answer from a guy. You're gonna leave him alone from now on. I don't want him getting hurt. He's my best friend. If you hurt him. I'm going to hurt you."."I can't let him go."."Then find a way. Cause you're not going to see him ever again."."Says who?." Elena got up from the chair and she went up to him."Don't play me."."Or what?". Elena slapped him and he was left speechless."Get out" she said and he stormed out of the room.

I opened my eyes and Elena noticed. She ran up to me and hugged me so tight."Elena. You're hurting me." I grunted."Why did you do that?" she asked me."I would like to ask you the same question." I replied."Did wh-...You were supposed to be sleeping.". I laughed and I replied"Yea whatever.". A few minutes later, Mark and Osmara came in with  a McDonald's bag. They had bought burgers for all of them. I wosent really hungry. My parents came in. My mother stormed inside. She saw me and hugged me. My stepfather just stood there. Mom stayed with me. So did Elena, Mark, and Osmara. The doctor came in later."Sorry guys. Visit hours are over." she said. Mom stood up and she gave me a kiss goodbye."Bye Luke." Osmara said."Bye Shorty" I said."Get better" Mark said."Sure thing." I said and they went out the room. Elena gave me a hug and kissed my cheek."Get better will you?" she said."I will." I reply and she makes her way out. I stayed alone in the room. I was bored and lonely. I kinda wanted someone to be with me. I started to close my eyes. I started thinking about Yorky. What he had said. Honestly I wanted to see him so bad. I still loved him even though I denied it.

I heard the door open. I didn't even bother on opening my eyes. Must be a doctor coming to check up on me. I kept my eyes closed and started smelling a odor familiar. Perfume Lacosse?. There's only one person I know who smells like that. Then I feel lips touching mine. I open my eyes and I push Yorky away from me."What the hell?!" I yelled."You were supposed to be sleeping." he replied."Thank God I wosent. God knows what else you could've done."."I didn't mean to."."Ok. Get out" I tell him. I really wanted him here."I don't wanna go." he replied."Please go." I told him. But he didn't want to go. So I let him stay. My mom had left my phone so I watched movies in Netflix all the night. Yorky came next to me and he started to watch the movie with me. To be honest, I kinda missed cuddling in his warm chest those nights I said I would stay at Lena's house. I know he missed them too. So slowly, I started to place my head on his shoulder. He then placed his head on top of mines. I missed him a lot. I missed his kisses, his hugs, his laugh, his eyes, everything. I wanted him. But could I really give it a try again?. Was it really his fault I was here?. There were a lot of questions driving me insane. But I put them aside for a moment. My eyes started to close until finally I feel asleep.

The next day, the doctor gave me the news that I would be able to go to school. So she placed me a casket in my left leg. Thank God only one was broken. They never did find the driver who hit me though. But there still on it. Yorky drove me to school. When we got there, he helped be up the main stairs and he went back for my crutches. He took me to class and went to his. As I opened the door to my U.S History class, everyone stopped and stared at me. I sat next to Lena. I noticed Alex looking at me but I didn't even bother and look at him. He disgust me. I felt him looking at me but I didn't bother on turning around.

After class, Yorky was already waiting for me. He was being really caring for me and I didn't mind that. In the other hand, Elena did. She was really overprotective. She didn't want Yorky near me. But either way, he found a way to be with me. When they both drop me to Gym class, I get in and I see Alex. He was sitting next to Carrie. I in the other hand, sat in the bleachers. When it was time to walk, I went outside and sat in the bleachers again. My phone vibrates.

Heyc:...just checking up on everything going alright?"

God, Yorky was being so Adorable. I replied him and sensed him a heart."Hey" said a familiar voice."What do you want Alex?" I ask rudely."I came to apologize about what happened at Dave's party. I got a little carried away and I didn't mean to take advantage of you like that." he said.

"Ok. Is that all?"

"Look I really am sorry. Truly. Please forgive me, Luke"

"Ill have to think about it."

"Ok. Well get better. and take care" and off he went to run the track.

I didn't understand people. If they didn't mean to do it then why did they do it in the first place, you know?. But I guess, I could forgive. Everyone deserves a second chance right?. Even the ones who broke you too?.

Around the last 10 minutes of class, I went to Yorkys class to find him. I couldn't stand a day without him. I needed to find him. So when the bell rang, he came out and I asked him if we could go somewhere private. He agreed. When we got there, I dropped my crutches and jumped to him giving him a kiss. He kissed me back passionately. He slid his tongue in my mouth and our tongues played together. We eventually lost our balance and we fell. But that didn't stop him. Then it got me. We're still in school. So I pushed him away."What? Did I hurt you?" he asked."No. Its just that, we're still in school." I replied."Oh." he said and picked me up. He handed me my crutches and we went to lunch."So this means we're dating?" he asks."You bet we are" and I give him a kiss. I missed his kisses a lot. I loved him a lot.

For the rest of the I thought about me and yorky. I thought about the time left we had. I thought about the future.

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