Chapter 26

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I woke up to the sound of the alarm of my phone. God I hated alarms. It was Wednesday. Tomorrow was Valentine's Day. I had to get shopping. I got up and took a shower and got dressed. Then I went to my bus stop as usual.

"Hey Luke." Carrie said when I got there."Hey Carrie." I replied.

"How you been?" she asked

"Rad. How about you?"

"Same. Is Sam ok? You know, after what y'all two went through yesterday."

"I don't know. I called him but he sounded low."

"Oh, so you don't know."

"I don't know what?." I asked.

"Nothing. Never mind."

"No nothing. Oh there goes your ride." she says pointing at Yorky who's driving slowly.

"Hey. Need a lift?" he said flirting with me.

"Yea. Be there in a sec." I said putting my binder in my backpack.

"Hey Carrie." Yorky said to Carrie.

"Hey." Carrie replied.

"Do you need a lift?" he asked.

"Oh no. I don't want to cockblock."

Yorky started laughing and he insisted on Carrie to get in the car. Eventually, she did.

When we got there, me and Walter gave a kiss in the car and we went our seperate ways. Carrie left before I could ask her what did she mean by what she said. The bell rang to go to our first class of the day. Sam was going to be there. So we needed to talk.

I enter the class and I don't see Sam. How odd? He is always early to class. So I sit where we usually sit. 5 minutes pass by and I don't know why he isn't here yet. Eventually Lena enters and takes the seat next to me. So I suppose Sam wasn't coming to school. The class starts with the same routine, Warm up. As I do my warm up, I have a feeling that someone is looking at me. I look around and I see that Guy that came up to yorky the first time we went to the movies. Next to him is Yorky's cousin. I don't seem to remember his name but one thing I do remember is the rumors. And all the rumors about him came out to be true. He was a disgusting Guy. He made me want to throw up sometimes. I see yorkys cousin whiper something to the Guy next to him as he looks at me. I turn around and turn to Lena.

"Hey Lena. What's Yorkys cousin's name?" I ask her.

"Umm....Jay. why?" she asked curiously.

"I think he seems to be talking about me."

"What makes you think that?"

"See for yourself." So she turns around and notices him.

"Yea he is talking about you. He keeps looking at you like he's planning something good."

"You think?. What could he be planning?"

"Really? He's known as the biggest player in the whole school and you still don't get a clue?" she says giving me a devilish smile. Then I got it.

"Ew!!!I would never sleep with him!!!Are you crazy?!" I whisper to her.

"Yea sure. Well don't look at him." she says.

It was almost halfway through class and the teacher split us into a group of three. But since Sam wasn't here, we only worked as two.

"Hey I gotta go to the restroom. Ill be back. Kay?" she said leaving the room with the hall pass.

I didn't pay much attention to the things around me. So I texted Sam.

Hey Sam. why r u nt @ skool ;c

But he didn't answer. So I made a sad face and locked my phone. I grabbed my pencil and as I was about to write, someone comes from behind me and whispers something in my ear.

"Hey." Jay whispers.

"um...what are you doing?" I reply awkwardly.

"Well I wanna talk to you. Can I?" he asks politely.

"Ok?. I guess?."

"Good. So how you been?"


"Cool. So are you gay?"

"Why are you asking me this?"

"Cause I want to know."

My blood started to boil. I hated people asking me this."Its none of your buisness if I'm gay or not so I'm going to ask you to please walk away."

"Why are you getting mad?"

"Please leave."

"Look, I know what's been up with you and my cousin. Everybody suspects it anyway. Don't deny it. I saw y'all making out last time."

"Leave me alone."

"You know, I could tell everyone in school that you're dating him and cause a big scenario. But everything could be avoided if you just do me a favor." he says touching my thigh."One little favor and we forget everything happened." he said making his way image little upper of my thigh. I grabbed his hand and removed it from my thigh.

"What do you want?" I said in a serious tone.

"Let's have sex."

What the fuck? Really?"Hmm let me see. A Guy who is such a hoe, who fucks anything he sees that walks, who fucks girls for fun and leaves them like trash when he's done, and who possibly has Aids or HIV?. Ill pass. But thanks for the offer. I'm sure another guy or girl would love that offer. You just got the wrong Guy. Now if you don't mind." I said going back to my worksheet.

Just then Lena walks in and takes her seat next to me. Jay shakes his head and gets close to my ear."Just watch. As soon as I tell everyone what been going on between you and my cousin, he'll be the one who breaks up with you. Then we'll see who's yesterday's trash." and he walks away. Was he saying the truth? I didn't know what might happen. I didn't know what Jay was capable of. I didn't know what could happen if he told everyone about me and Yorky.  

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