Chapter 12

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The next day, I woke up with the alarm of my phone. I got up and was furious. Then it came to me. Its Thanksgiving. I whine but I still get up. As I come out from the room, my mom is in the living room watching a movie. I sat next to her and I rested my head in her shoulder."Its Thanksgiving." I tell her."Yupp." she says."When are we starting?" I ask her."Right now" and she gets up. I get up and she takes out the Turkey and places it on hot water so it will unfreeze. I do what she tells me.

When I'm done and the Turkey is on the oven, we sit and we watch and watch T.V. I get up and take a shower. When I got out, mom came to my room."Someones looking for you. He's in the front door." she says. I hope its Yorky and it was. He had asked my mother for permission to take me to the theatre. Thing was that we weren't going to no theatre. My mom said yes. So he took me to his car. I had to be back before dinner. Yorky agreed and we left.

We went back to his house and he said he had something to show me. I was curious so I went with him. He took me to his room and pulled out a bag. I opened it and it was The complete CD collection of Taylor Swift with her autograph on them."OH MY GOD!!!THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!" I yell. I jump to him and I give him a big kiss."You're welcome."."So that's all you brought me here for?" I say kissing his cheek."Luke" he says."Yea?" I reply."I'm ready.". My face went blank for a second. I knew what he wanted. But the thing was that I wosent."Oh." I reply."Are you?"."To be honest with you, I'm not."."Ok." he says kissing my forehead,"Ill wait for you" and he dropped the topic. I knew he really wanted to do it. But when I say no, I mean no. He seemed a little sad though."What's wrong?" I ask him."Luke, do you love me?" he asks."What kind of question is that?!.Of course I do!!" I yell."Would you do anything for me?"."Yes."."Then runaway with me."."What?"."You heard me runaway with me.". I was really confused. Why would he want to runaway?."Walt, why would you want to leave your mother and your cousin and all of your family?"."Me and my mom got into a argument yesterday after I left you home."."What happened?"."Luke......"."Yea?."."I'm moving back to New York". After those words left his mouth, all I felt was shatter to tears. He couldnt go back. I don't think I would bear it. I would probably go back to hurting myself. I didn't want that."Why?" I ask him."Mom got her a better paying job over there." he replied. I wanted to cry. I didn't believe it had to end like this."When are you leaving?" I ask him."Around May. Most likely right after school ends.". Good. Then that meant I had a little time with him. I know he's going to want to do the whole long distance relationship. But I know it wont work. My tears were accumulating in my eyes that I finally let them out. He noticed and gave me a hug."Its ok babe" he says trying to make me feel better."No its not. I might not see you again." I say crying. He cleans my tears with his hand and kisses my forehead."We'll figure something out.". I couldn't believe it was happening. He huged me so hard that it took my breath away. He let me go and he holded my hand as I sobbed in the floor. It was hard. I knew what I was going to do in the end of junior year. I had to break up with him. I know that he'll find someone else over there so its for the best if we break up. But for now, I'll show him how much I love him.

Around 2 pm, I asked Yorky to take me home. He didnt want to. I understood him. If I would leave, I'd would like to spend more time with him. But I had to help mom finish. He finally did and I went back home. I left the car not even giving him a kiss goodbye. I was so sad. I opened the door and my mother was almost done. It was bearly 3 pm. So it was too early. Jordan was in my room using my ipad. I didn't mind. I wanted to be alone.

Finally, it was Dinner Time. Mom served us as we all sat in the table. I lost my appetite."I'm not hungry" I tell her. Everyones eyes went to me. "Why is that?" she asks."I feel sick" I lied."Go to bed then" she said. Not saying a word, I went to my room. I locked my door and cried. I couldn't believe he was leaving. I didn't want him to. I played our song over and over until I was fast asleep.


It was Sunday. Last day of Thanksgiving break. Last day ill see Jordan and the beginning of school again. I haven't texted, tweeted, facebooked, instagramed, or talked to Yorky since he told me that he was moving. Neither has he. But I didn't mind. We both needed to think for a while. As Jordan leaves, I go back to bed and close my eyes. I calmed myself down and breathed slowly. Then my phone rings."Hello?" I ask with a husky voice."Luke?". His voice opened my eyes."What is it Walt?"."Can we talk?"."Um sure."."Ill pick you up right now. I'm outside of your house."."Ok". I grabbed my shoes and put them on. I grab my jacket and I open the door. He was looking outside and leaning in his car. I got in his car and he got in. I kissed his cheek and I said" I missed you a lot." I said. He looked at me and gave me a weak smile."What's wrong?" I asked him. He wiped his eyes and looked at me."Luke, this is gonna be hard for me than its gonna be for you." he said."Ok?" I said."Ive been thinking things out. And I've thought that maybe we need time apart from each other and-"."You're breaking up with me aren't you?" I asked him."I think that its for the best if we-" but I got out of the car before I could hear him finish what he said."Luke!!!!" yorky yelled but I didn't look back. My eyes let out my drops of tears. I walk inside my house slamming the door behind me. I locked my door and didn't even bother on looking at my phone cause all I'd find is messages of Yorky. I let myself cry and cry and cry.

I woke up around two in the afternoon. Mom and my stepfather were arguing about something. It was about me. How I didn't have a job and I needed to grow up. But I didn't have time for more drama. I had a lot going on. I let myself fall in bed thinking about why did he do this.


Hey guys!!! Sorry that these past chapters been short. I can't think of something else. I got amazing news tho!!!!Today I saw Yorky and I didn't feel nothing for him. IM OVER HIM GUYS!!! Dosent mean im nt finishing the book n making a sequel. Ill finish it fr yall. I've been wanting that to happen. I'm feeling proud of myself. Thanks to my friends, they helped me a lot. Well next chapter will be long, that's a promise.

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