Chapter 16

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The next morning, I had to wake up and get ready ready really early. Yorky was leaving around 7am. According to what he said, its a long flight so we have to board now so we get there around 10 or 11 am. He picked me up right after I got dressed.

When we got to the airport, we showed our identification and our passports. I could see that Yorky was really excited cause I was with him. I didn't know what to expect from New York. When we got inside the airplane, we sat next to eachother. His mother sat all the way in the back which he took that as an advantage to hold my hand. They played the movie called Burlesque and I watched it with Yorky. Around halfway through the movie, a woman came with a cart offering us food and drinks. When he got to us, she started to flirt with Yorky. I got kind of jealous. I didn't like no one talking to my boyfriend but Sam, Elena, Osmara, and other friends of mines. But this slut was crossing the line. She kept walking and I noticed Yorky looking at her butt. I punched him in his shoulder and he yelled."Why'd you do that for?" he asked."Why did I do that?. That slut was flirting with you. Then you have the odasity to look at her ass in front of me?" I said."Is my babe mad?" he said hugging me."Back off!!" I said hitting him in the ribs. He just laughed and kept watching the movie.

I woke up and I noticed people decided to take a nap. I looked at my phone. 11 am. Almost there. I was anxious to get there already."Anxious, aren't you?" I hear yorky say opening his eyes. God his voice sounded sexy when he was bearly  awake."Kinda" I replied. He smiled at me and closed his eyes."Yorky?". I told him."What?. What's a Yorky?". One thing you need to know about secret nicknames. Is that there meant to be a secret."Yorky?. Its the way I used to call you before we went out. It was some sort of crush nickname I guess." I told him."So my nickname is Yorky? Who else calls me like this?"

"Osmara, Sam, Elena, basically everyone I know."

"I kinda like it."

"You do?"

"Yea it kinda fits me, you know. I never did have a nickname."

"Well, you do now"

I know. And I love it."

He starts to get close to me and we're just about to kiss when..."Attention all passengers. We are now landing in New York City.". I pushed him off and I looked out the window. I couldn't believe it. I was actually here. I acted like a little kid on his first field trip to the Zoo. Yorky just chuckled. It wosent a big deal for him cause he's been here before. But as for me, I'm new to all of this. So I'm really excited. When we get off, we get our bags and when we're out, Yorky and his mom is greeted by his family members. I just stand there and smile. Yorky went to hug a girl around my age. She looked up and asked him"Who's this?" she asks him. "Melissa we gotta talk." Yorky says to her."I'm listening." she replies. He whispers in her ear and then she jumps. She looks at me and then at him. She comes walking towards me and hugs me. I didn't know if I should hug back so I stayed still."Welcome to the family, Luke. I'm Walter's cousin. Hope you like New York" she says."I love it" I reply. She smiles at me and goes inside the van they brought. I was about to go inside when Yorky stops me."Whoa hold on. We're not going with them. Were going to my house." he says."How do you expect to get to your house?" I reply."In moms car, duh? How else?" he replies."Don't play smart with me, ok?" I reply."Y'all look so cute together." Melissa said. Thank God no one was inside the van but her.

We get in a beautiful black car and we drive to Yorky's home in New York. When we get there, I see their house. Its a beautiful house. Although the plants died do to the weather. It was snowing. We go inside and I'm amazed. This house is bigger and is a two story house. His mom goes to her room and she looks at us and says"I'm going to sleep. Y'all kids have fun" and she leaves to her room."Come" Yorky says grabbing my hand and taking me to his room. His room was amazing. He had a desk next to his bed, A volcano lamp, a stack of CD's in the right with his stereo, and a TV in the corner."Can I take a shower?" I ask him."Am I invited?" he asks me winking his eye."You know the answer to that" I reply."Go. Ill unpack."he replies.  I take my bag inside and I lock the door and take a bath.

After I get out of the shower, I get dressed and I walk out of the bathroom wearing a long sleeve Beatles sweater and my black skinny jeans. Yorky wosent in his room so I got in his bed and closed my eyes. I was really cold. My teeth were chattering and I was shivering of the coldness.

"Cold aren't you?" he said coming inside with warm coffee."Y..y...y..yeah." I stutter. He smiles and sits next to me."You'll get used to it. I knew you'd be dying of coldness in here so I made you coffee." he says handing me a cup."Thanks," I said taking a sip. My shivers relaxed and my teeth stopped chattering."Babe?" I asked him. Wow. I never called him that. Like ever. Only once but that was it."Yeah?"."I was wondering..."."Yea?" he asks me."How did you used to be before I met you?". He gets a little serious and looks at the ground."Why do you wanna know?" he asks in a serious tone."You know what, forget it." I said.

"No, no. Why did you ask me that?."

"*sigh*I saw that note in your journal Monday and I kept thinking how you used to be before you came here."

"What did I tell you about touching my stuff?"

"I'm sorry. You go through mines so....I thought it made it even."

"Fine. Ok. Luke. I used to be a fraud. I used to skip a lot, get into fights, break girls hearts, get drunk, high, all sorts of shit. Mom found out. She was really pissed. She didn't talk to me for almost two weeks. Until one day, she told me we were moving over here. I was furious. I didn't wanna leave, you know?. But she wanted a fresh start. For her and for me. So she came here. I didn't like it at first. It was a ugly place. Then she brought me to that school. I saw pretty hot girls and guys. I thought I wosent gonna fit in. But eventually I did. I found out girls liked me and all but none of them grabbed my attention. And boys, well none were gay so yea. Then I saw you. I remember it well. I was walking and you were with a group of friends and you started singing like crazy. I thought to myself,  he is pretty adorable when he does that. Then I felt a little spark. But I didn't pay too much attention to it. But everyday I saw you, everyday it got bigger. Until you were officially my crush. I never expected to be going out with you. But the thing is, I really changed after we went out. I truly loved someone who loved me back. I wosent gonna let you go. Not that easy. That's why I never gave up. So that's my story."

"Walt, I don't know what to say."

He smiled at me and kissed me."Tell me your story." he said.

"Well, ok. Before anything of this ever happened. I was...well....what's the word.....a wallflower. I still am. If you don't know what a wallflower is then you're dumb. A wallflower is someone who is shy and quiet type of person. Who basically dosent talk that much. Well I didn't like talking. I was really a sentimental person. I.....I...used to cut myself. I did that cause of all the pain my stepfather made me go through. Eventually my mom found out about it and went to go see my counselor. I never cut again. Until a month later when things got worse again. I was like trying to kill myself. I felt useless. Mom found out again and well, she gave up on it. So did I. I never cut again. A few months later, i saw you. It love at first sight. I to fell for you." i said. 

"Wow. I never expected something like that from you."

"Well, yeah. I was going to for it again but I didn't."

He got up and closed the door behind us. He locked it and came to bed with me. He placed his arms around me, not giving me a way to escape. I felt really comfortable with him. He kissed my neck and it tickled. He chuckled and he rested his head in mines."I love you, Luke." he said."I love you too." I replied. He went to sleep really fast. I turned myself around to face him. He looked like a fallen angel from the sky. My eyes began to get watery and soon enough, I was crying. I didn't want him to leave after my junior year. I loved him too much to let him go. I just couldn't do that. My mind started to get negative thoughts. No. I couldn't cry. This was too special to start crying. I wiped my tears off and I snuggled in his warm chest and fell asleep with him.

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