Chapter 2

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Harry was shocked he could not believe he bumped into Niall horan.

Harry fixed himself and made sure Luna was ok, she was crying a bit.

"I'm so sorry!!!" Harry looking at Niall with worry, he hoped that he wasn't mad that he hit him.

Niall looks at Harry and chuckled," it's ok, no harm done, i was not looking where i was going anyway."

Harry nods and bounces Luna who was giggling now.

Niall smiled," she's really cute, how old is she?"

"She's 11 months old, turning one in a few weeks, Luna can you say hi?" Harry says sweetly to his daughter.

Luna waves shyly to Niall.

"Aww you are too cute!" Niall says as he tickles her, luna laughs as Niall looks at Harry," so what bring's you to the mall?"

" I'm shopping for her decorations for her party, and why are you here? Are you not scared to get noticed?"

" the lads and I decided that we needed to get some stuff so that's why i'm here, we all spit up and if i get noticed, other than you who never screamed I would have security take me out."

Niall says as he shuffles his feet," i'm not doing nothing, so do you need help with getting stuff?? I would love to help for this little cutie."

Harry was shocked, he wanted to help?!, " um.. Sure."

Niall smiled and they started to walk towards the Children's place, Harry wanted to get a outfit for Luna for the party.

Niall and harry were going around and of course Harry found more then one suit so his arms were getting full, he looks at niall," do you mind holding her?"

Niall shook his head and harry swiftly switched her into his arms and Niall placed her on his hip and smiled down at her.

Luna was very curious of who it was, she kept poking Niall's face.

They kept going around until they hear a voice," hey mate, what are you doing here?"

Harry turns around and sees Zayn Malik!

Niall smiles," hey mate, I'm helping my friend harry hear look for clothes for his daughter."

" is that so?" Zayn says walking closer and he looks at luna with interest ,"She looks a lot like me..."

" hum? Really?.." Niall says as he gets a better look at luna" yeah she does

Zayn and Harry look at each other in horror," It was YOU!!"

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