Chapter 8

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~Few Weeks Later~

Harry had to go back to work today so he meeded to find a way to get a babysitter the last minute for Luna....

His mother and sister are busy or Sick so he was out of that option and his friends are to busy.....

He was basically screwed.....

Harry was scrambling around his room trying to think of options of what to do with Luna...

Can he call in sick??
But he needs to pay the rent....

Can he convinced his mom to take her anyway..
But she's sick and he doesn't want Luna sick...

He could call Niall?? He seems more then happy to take her for a day. They got really close the last month, they became great friends.

Harry picked up the phone and called him.

Niall: hello?

Harry: Hey Niall, it's Harry

Niall: oh hey harry, what's up?

Harry: Can i as you a favour??

Niall: yeah what is it??

Harry: i am suck, i got to go into work and i have no one to look after Luna, everyone either sick or to busy.....

Niall: i wish I could haz... But i got to go to the studio to record...

Harry: please Niall, your my only hope, she can just sit there and play with toys, she won't be a bother I promise, she's a good girl.

There was quite on the other side of the phone for a while

Niall: fine... I'll be over in a few, your lucky i love your daughter she's too cute, she got me rapped around her finger.

Harry: Thank you Niall!! I'll repay you!!

Niall: whatever see you soon.

Harry hung up and ran to luna's room and quickly packed her a bag and got her ready for the day.

Harry had just placed Luna's pants on when the doorbell went off," coming!"

Harry placed Luna on his hip and picked up the bag and ran toward door and opened it to see Niall.

" hey Ni."

" hey haz, hey sweetie." Niall says holding his arms out and Luna reached out to him.

Harry passed her over," ok i'll get her seat and install it into your car."

Niall nods as Harry went over and quickly switch Luna's car seat to Niall's car.

Harry went over and gave a kiss on Luna's head," be good for Uncle Niall ok?"

Yes, Niall convinced Harry to let him be Uncle Niall to luna.

Luna giggles, harry takes that as a yes.

Niall patted Harry's back and then headed to the car.

Harry was glad he made a friend like Niall.

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