Chapter 12

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Harry walked down the hall and towards the room Niall had told him to go to. Harry was nervous as hell, he did not know what will Zayn do...

Harry got to the door and knocked. Harry waited for a bit before it opens to reveal a brown haired man with a big belly starring at him," hum... How can i help you?"

" Im looking for Niall, he told me to come to this room." Harry says scratching the back of his head.

The man looks a little shocked," Um... Nialler there is someone here for you."

"Coming." Not even a minute later Niall was standing behind The man," oh hey babe, come on in, it's ok Li."

The man, Li, it must be Liam stared at harry for a few seconds longer then let Harry in.

Harry walked in and as soon as Luna saw Niall she squealed," Bubba!"

Niall chuckles and takes Luna from Harry," hey baby girl."

Luna rested her head on his shoulder. Niall went and perked Harry's mouth, he noticed that Liam was starring straight at them.

" oh god, I forgot to mention... Liam, this is my boyfriend Harry and his Daughter Luna who you met a few weeks ago."

" ob so your the famous Harry Niall could not shut up about, Your daughter is so cute." Liam smiled wide," I'm glad you found someone Ni."

" who found someone?" Harry hears the familiar voice said.

" look at this hun, Niall has a boyfriend named Harry and he has a daughter." Liam says rapping his arm around his husband.

Zayn gave a fake smile," oh that's nice, nice to see you again harry."

" you to Zayn." Harry tried to say nicely through his teeth.

" so you to know each other?" Liam says looking I between the two.

" yeah harry and i go way back."

" yeah, way back..."

If only Liam knew the truth... He will soon.

Like A Lion<< Zarry mpreg {Completed} Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon