Swear #2

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Devilish Origin

Swear #2


"I'VE COME TO KILL YOU!" Hidan jumped down from the trees of the training forest, holding a sharpened kunai.

Kumori stepped out of the way and let the kid fall straight into the ground, completely ignoring him when he made threats and insulted her afterwards.

"Hey, who's that kid?" One of Kumori's teammates asked.

She dodged a stab to the back and grabbed the back of Hidan's collar, throwing him into the direction of the nearby lake.

"Go cool down a bit." She muttered.

"Uh...is he going to be alright?"

"He'll be fine. Apparently he wants to kill me now because he bumped into me and thinks it's my fault." Kumori sweat dropped at the story.

Her teammates sweat dropped nodded slowly, finding the situation strange, but plausible.

"I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS, KUMORI!" Hidan's shout echoed throughout the village, but no one dared to ask Kumori what it was about.

"Today's a quiet day." Kumori hummed, walking around town. She was aware that she was being followed and knew that it was Hidan.

Just when is he going to stop?She thought, her hands in her pockets.

She could feel holes burning into the back of her head the longer she walked.

Oh great...it's only been one day since I met the kid and I already get a stalker?

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