Swear #14

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Devilish Origin

Swear #14

The day Hidan turned 16, Kumori celebrated with him lavishly, spending a good amount on the one she called her little brother.

"You're so grown up now." Kumori wiped away a fake tear, acting heartfelt. "You were such a brat when we first met, but now you're still exactly the same!"

"Shut up, ugly!" Hidan rolled his eyes and dug into the food.

Tatsuya popped his head in, hands full of the things that Kumori sent him to get. He placed them all on the table and congratulated the teen on becoming 16.

"It's not like it's a big deal." Hidan huffed, stuffing himself, "I have a mission soon anyway."

"Oh." Tatsuya and Kumori glanced at each other, surprised. "We have one too."

"Hah?" Hidan raised a brow. "I thought you were free today."

"Actually it popped up last minute. It might even be the same mission as yours." Tatsuya commented with a smile.

Hidan shrugged and continued eating. The others dug in as well, preparing for the long mission ahead.

"Ah." Hidan, Tatsuya and Kumori all pointed to each other. They stood in front of the gates, ready to go off on their mission. There was another person with them, but they didn't care about that.

"You were right..." Kumori laughed and patted Tatsuya's shoulder.

He grinned, "Well, let's all get along!"

"You said that your birthday wasn't a big deal, right?" Kumori poked Hidan on the cheek, "But now you can fulfil that promise to me! Remember when you said you'd beat me once you turned 16?" She giggled at the memory.

Hidan stared at her for a long while, a smirk forcing his lips to curl upwards. "Heh. I'll easily beat you, ugly! Even if you're an old hag I still will!"

"You can try!" Kumori poked her tongue out playfully. "HEY! I'M NOT AN OLD HAG!" She punched Hidan in the arm, causing him to retaliate. Tatsuya stopped them with a tired sigh.

"Alright, I'll go over the mission details..." Tatsuya called the 4 man cell over, directing the orders and positions of everyone. "I trust all of you understand." They all nodded.

"I'll make this mission a success." Hidan grinned. "Just watch me!"

"Hey, hey, you're not going to make it a success, I am!" Kumori challenged.

"You want to fight?!" Hidan glowered at the female.

She didn't back down and matched his ferocious gaze. "Try me, big boy."

An anger mark appeared on Hidan's head and he pushed his hair back, letting it cover his forehead again afterward. "Just watch me, ugly!"

Kumori abruptly ruffled his hair, "I will! You're my adorable little brother after all!"

"OI!" Hidan sighed. He felt embarrassed at her show of affection. She normally did stuff like that, but it was the first time she had ruffled his hair. Calling him adorable was a running gag for those two; Kumori knew Hidan hated it and thus called him that to tease him.

Geez, woman!

Devilish Origin [Hidan]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें