Swear #9

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Devilish Origin

Swear #9


Hidan's molars clenched together like gears. He glared at the group of people who had come down to the place he and the others were imprisoned in, frowning at them with hatred. He hated how they looked at him and the others, like they were looking down on them like they were pests.


Some of them took a step back and gasped at his insult and some of them got angry. Hidan felt something hard hit his cheek. He frowned and saw the thing roll down onto the ground. It was a stone.

"WHICH ONE OF YOU PIECES OF S—" Hidan screamed with fury.

"Calm down. You're going to get bought into a home to work." One of the people spoke. It was an androgynous voice, something that the silver haired male recognised. He raised a brow when he couldn't quite pick up who it was.

He glared at them, "And who the heck are you to say that I should calm down or not?!"

Hidan could only see the outlines of the numerous number of people outside. He could hear the others whimpering beside him, which irritated him all the more.

"What is this, a petting zoo? Get the hell out of here, morons!" Hidan hissed.

"This kid's got spunk." One of them muttered under their breath.

An irk mark appeared on Hidan's head and he snapped, "WHAT'S IT TO YOU?!"

They shook their heads, "I'd rather the girl."

"Everyone, thank you for coming." A strong female voice silenced everyone in the dungeon room. The sound of heels clicking against the ground echoed around the walls. A woman with a mask and fully cloaked appeared.

"Ah! How nice to see you again, Ma-sama!"

"It's a pleasure. Now, the auctions for them will start. I will start explaining the details—" Ma gestured a hand towards the imprisoned children but was stopped by one of the members of the group.

"The silver haired one is a pain. He needs to be disciplined." Her words were sharp, but the minute it was said, most members of the group nodded their heads in agreement, whispering about how Hidan was a disrespectful and loud slave.

"I CAN HEAR YOU, YOU KNOW!" Hidan yelled, pulling at the chains. He had been unsuccessful in taking them off.

Ma turned her head towards the boy and examined him head to toe. A smirk formed on her lips. "I see. He will be put to discipline before he's put up to sale."

"The hell am I being put up to discipline?" Hidan made a face.

Ma wagged her finger, "Because you've been a bad boy." She licked her lips.

Hidan glared at her. He had seen that look that she had given him when she turned back to the other members of the viewing party. It was like she was the hunter, and he was the prey.

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