Swear #16

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Devilish Origin

Swear #16


"How are you feeling, Hidan?" Tatsuya knocked on Hidan's door room. They had finished off their funeral preparations and had to attend soon.

"I'm fine." Hidan replied curtly. He stood up and pushed himself out of the room, feeling horrible. He hadn't been able to sleep peacefully at night – Kumori haunted his dreams.

Tatsuya stared at Hidan for a long time, following behind the other male. He knew that Kumori and him were tight, even though they always bickered and said they didn't like each other (well, mainly Hidan).

But after what happened not too long ago on Hidan's birthday, Tatsuya knew that Hidan was starting to crumble apart. He didn't know how far he had fallen, but he wanted to help anyway he could. He recalled Kumori saying that the torture chamber experience had brought out a darker side to him – and it was dangerous, so it was better off sealed off and contained.

Is this what she meant? Tatsuya thought, staring at the back of Hidan's head. After Kumori had fallen, Hidan went on a rampage. He destroyed the area and sought out the enemies they were supposed to go after, killed them and came back, hysterical looking. Tatsuya and his teammate were lucky to have survived the ordeal. His power was overwhelming and intensely dark.

Were you his limiter? Tatsuya wondered, staring at Kumori's picture. They were now at the funeral, which was attended by many others who were her acquaintances. It was truly sad to see such a splendid ninja say her farewell so early in life.

Kumori...you held him together. Without you, he would have been lost long ago. He doesn't have that support anymore...what do I do? He's starting to become what you thought he would. The male opened his eyes and bowed his head in respect to his former co-worker.

He watched as Hidan looked utterly tired with a horrible expression. He knew he was deep in thought and didn't want to disturb him, so he went off first.

"Did you hear? The village's going to become a tourist site."

"Huh? Since when was this happening?"

"It's in the planning right now, but they're planning for it later this year."

"No way...so we won't have any ninja?"

"I don't know."

Hidan's eyes widened at the gossip around town. The 17 year old felt anger pulsing inside his veins coarsely as he returned home from a mission. He threw all his stuff inside his home and went to confirm his suspicions with the higher ranking individuals – only to have them confirm the change.

"No...this village is a ninja village..." Hidan shook violently, "They can't...NINJAS ARE FOR KILLING!" He roared. In a rage at the new change that would be taking place, the young adult grabbed his belongings and scythe and left in the middle of the night, murdering his neighbours and leaving the village, covered in their blood.

Hidan panted heavily as he exited the village. He was never going to go back there again.

"You look like you need some assistance." A voice on the side spoke.

"The hell do you want?!" Hidan spat, furious. His anger had not subsided. When he turned to face the voice, he saw that it was someone familiar. One that he had seen many years ago – it was the masked man that sealed those slaves into the scroll and killed the merchant.

"Why don't you join us as part of the cult of Jashin?" The masked man offered. "We could use someone like you."

"Jashin? The heck is that?"

"A god of destruction."

The silver haired teen's ears perked and a smirk made its way to his lips. He liked the sound of that.

"Bring me to this Jashin person."

It wasn't long after that Hidan's sanity had started to divide him into two. He was no longer the person he was before – nor was he going to ever return.

Devilish Origin [Hidan]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें