Swear #6

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Devilish Origin

Swear #6


Kumori strode out of the office that she was forced to work at for a mission and into the streets of the late night. She glanced left and right, waiting for a certain kid to start annoying her. Her brows rose when she didn't see anybody.

"Okay then. I'll go eat some ramen." The female shrugged, mumbling to herself. She went ahead and got herself some at the street stand.

Even as she finished, she didn't see Hidan. It surprised her, since he would always be somewhere nearby, even after she finished her mission.

Maybe he just got tired. Kumori shrugged and went off to her apartment. I'll see him again tomorrow morning anyway.

The next morning, Kumori got up with a loud yawn. No one was there to wake her up, which surprised her. Hidan should normally be there trying to kill her in the morning.

"Oh well." Kumori enjoyed the peace and quiet and proceeded to get out of the house. Once she did, someone skidded in front of her, grabbing her by the shoulders. On reflex, the kunoichi grabbed the person's arms and threw them into the nearby wall.

"Ah..." She gasped when she realised who it was. It was one of the neighbours – who just so happened to be a ninja. "Uh...sorry?" Kumori rubbed the back of her head and laughed nervously.

"Gah..." The male shook his head, sighing deeply. He was unhurt, thankfully, and brushed off the debris on his clothes before approaching her again. He made a mental note not to touch her when he sees her. "I'll forgive you for that since it was also partially my fault. Anyway, I just came to tell you that they've struck again."

"They?" Kumori tilted her head. A lightbulb went off and her expression turned serious. She frowned, "Was it last night?!"

The male nodded, "Yeah. They took a total of 5 kids...not including Hidan."

"Hidan?" Kumori gave him a funny look, but then realised that he was serious. Her brows furrowed deeply and she made up her mind. "Alright, where do I meet you guys?"

"In front of the gates. We'll tell you the details when we go." The male left in a poof of smoke.

Kumori nibbled on her thumbnail in thought.

If this happened last night...then that would mean that Hidan was supposed to be there, but he happened to get captured. How do they know that?

Not long afterwards, Kumori arrived at the gates, greeting her fellow squad. She turned to her partner, "I just have one question; how do you know that Hidan's been taken by them?"

"No one has seen him since last night. Some witnessed him walking out of the village, but that was after he separated from you around lunchtime."

"That's not decisive enough. I need to know for sure."

"I wasn't finished yet. There was a witness that stated they saw someone shouting outside the gates where the merchants arrive from – but then it died down. This was late at night as well. When that witness went to see what was wrong, they saw a merchant cart full of nothing and toppled over, as well as a murdered merchant sliced to ribbons."

Kumori was speechless. She clenched her fists. "Well...I guess today's the day we take care of them."

Those guys have been on the run for a long time. I won't forgive anybody who takes people as slaves...but when you mess with someone that I hold dear, you're going to regret ever living in this world...I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN!

A/N: like that eye candy? ;)

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