Swear #17

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Devilish Origin

Swear #17


"I thought you hated your village." Kakuzu muttered.

"Yeah, I do." Hidan rolled his eyes, "I'm just here for one thing only. It's got nothing to do with the god damn village. It can burn for all I care!"

Kakuzu stayed silent and decked into disguise. Hidan was reluctant, but in the end, he did. They were given entry into the tourist village. Hidan led the way primarily because he knew it off by heart. He went straight to the memorial site, stopping where he needed to stop.

Kakuzu came up from behind and read the stone. He raised a brow, confused. Why was a follower of destruction visiting a grave?

"I thought you didn't have any friends."

"Shut up Kakuzu! She's my sister!" Hidan snapped sharply.

Kakuzu cracked his neck, shrugging and immune to his sharp tongue.

Hidan crouched down and stared at the stone. "You're still as ugly as ever, Kumori."

The oldest of the pair stared at Hidan with a funny expression. He didn't say a word and took a few steps away from the grave to give the Jashinist some time.

"Even if you're dead, you're still ugly." Hidan sighed and scratched the back of his neck, "I want to eat those spare ribs again...at that place you always brought me to." His stomach growled. "See ya next time, stupid Kumori."

"Already done?" Kakuzu asked.

"Yeah." Hidan shrugged, "I'm hungry."

"Nothing expensive." Kakuzu eyed the male suspiciously. He was notorious for using up a lot of money without him knowing until after he had finished.

Hidan grinned and made his way around the former ninja village, trying to spot the place with the good spare ribs. Once he found it, he lit up and hurried inside, much like how he was when he was a kid and Kumori was treating him. Kakuzu sighed with irritation.

What a brat.

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