Swear #11

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Devilish Origin

Swear #11


Tatsuya looked up at Kumori, a sigh escaping his lips. "Thanks."

On Tatsuya was a person. They were smaller in stature and held a sharp piece of metal in their hands, which was stopped by Kumori. She stared at the person, narrowing her eyes. Their body was covered in cuts and bruises. The cuts varied in size from large to small, and some looked like they stabbed through the person. She was surprised that the person wasn't dying from blood loss.

"YOU-!" The person jumped off Tatsuya and tried again, but was stopped by Kumori.

She stopped the attack yet again with the kunai she held in her hand, her arm shaking from due to the force behind the opposing side's attack. She watched the person, feeling a sort of familiarity to them.

"STOP GETTING IN MY WAY!" The person screamed, sending a kick to her. She stopped the leg and stared directly at the person, not attacking due to her suspicions.

"Hidan? Is that you?" Kumori asked carefully. She couldn't see the colour of their hair or whatnot, but the speech mannerisms sounded quite like the silver haired teen she knew.

"HAH?!" The person stared up at the woman. Their magenta eyes widened and the person stopped their attack, "KUMORI!?"

"Yes, it's me." Kumori let go of his leg and rested her arm. Hidan stared at her for a long time, his expression changing every single second. "Are you alright?"

Hidan clenched his teeth and shook his head, "This shitty place...!" Anger pumped through his veins.

"I'll heal you a little so that it'll be easier for you to move." A green light engulfed Kumori's hand as she pressed it to Hidan's head, seeing that he was also bleeding there. As she did, she checked on his condition.

Tatsuya stood up and brushed himself off. His eyes had adjusted to the change in brightness. He watched Kumori and Hidan – he couldn't recognise the boy until Kumori had pushed his hair back so that he could see those trademark magenta eyes of his.

"Hidan, what are you doing down here?" The captain asked. He was right about Hidan being kidnapped, but he was surprised that he came out of the room they were about to go in, covered in blood. He was the only one down there.

Hidan glared at Tatsuya, "A crazy ass bitch brought me here!"

"A woman? Where did she bring you?"

"Into that room!" Hidan's fists shook as he remembered what had happened those last 3 days. He pointed to the room behind him.

Kumori had finished healing up Hidan. She had exerted a lot of her chakra to heal the boy, and ripped off some of her pants to soak in some water she had conjured up (via a jutsu) to clean the blood off him.

Kumori glanced into the room they were about to go in. Her brows rose in shock when she saw the state of the inside of the room.

Tatsuya followed her gaze and his eyes hardened, "Is that her on the table?"

Hidan emanated a dark chuckle, "The bitch got what was coming."

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