Swear #4

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Devilish Origin

Swear #4


"I can't believe you're still at it." 16 year old Kumori sighed at the 12 year old.

"Hmph!" Hidan sent a punch her way, but she caught his fist. "That's because I want to kill you!"

"But you're not strong enough to. Didn't you just graduate the academy?"

"That was 2 years ago!" Hidan complained, sending a kick at her. She caught his leg and spun him around before throwing him into the wall. It left a small dent, considering she didn't try to use much power.

"OW WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" The boy shouted.

"Well, you were attacking me...so I guess...self-defence?" Kumori shrugged. "Shouldn't you be with your team?"

"Hmph! Today's a rest day." Hidan replied begrudgingly.

"I see. I've got a lunch break right now from sorting files, so why don't we eat out? My treat." Kumori suggested with a smile.

Hidan's stomach growled thinking about food. The teen laughed and pointed to a nearby shop.

"Let's go there to eat."

Even if they were always fighting, Kumori didn't hate Hidan at all. She found him quite entertaining, actually. His expressions were very funny, and she treated him like a little brother. Their relationship was almost like a sibling relationship, even if Hidan was always trying to kill her and declared that he hated her. In the end he would always be drawn into doing whatever she was doing, be it eating out or taking a walk. Needless to say, Hidan didn't really hate her. But he wouldn't ever admit that.

"Is it good?" Kumori finished off the spare ribs, placing the immaculate bones on the side of the plate.

"These are good!" Hidan grinned and gulped down his green tea. He sighed with content and patted his full stomach.

After Kumori paid for the meal, she headed back to work.

Hidan, on the other hand, had nothing else to do but wander the village. He knew that he couldn't kill her whilst she was doing her job – it proved quite difficult. The first time he tried, he nearly died from her exploding in anger and throwing him through several walls. It wasn't a pleasant experience.

Damn that ugly woman...! Stupid work...

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