Swear #3

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Devilish Origin

Swear #3


"I can see what you're doing, you know." Kumori sighed deeply and pulled her shawl away from Hidan, who had crept up behind her. "You're not going to set fire to it. It's cold."

"DAMN YOU!" Hidan cursed, throwing the box of matches at her. Why couldn't he beat her? Why couldn't he even successfully creep up on her?

"Aren't you cold, Hidan?" Kumori caught the box and placed them beside her. It was the middle of winter, and the temperature of the village Hidden in the Steam had dropped dramatically, the coldest in 5 years.

"NO! I'm not cold!" Hidan crossed his arms and puffed up his chest, turning his head to the side in an act of stubbornness.

"I can see your nose running and your body shivering." The kunoichi pointed out bluntly.

"SO?! WHO CARES?!" Hidan snapped, snorting.

"Eh? I care. You can't continue to try and kill me if you've got a cold. It might get worse." Kumori opened up the large shawl, "C'mon, get in."

Hidan glared at her and frowned, "NO-!" He sneezed and jumped at the same time. She laughed at him and kicked his leg, tripping him over. Before he hit the ground, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the shawl, wrapping it around them.

"DON'T TOUCH ME! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" The silver haired kid started to thrash about, but was held down by Kumori.

"Hey, hey, stop moving so much." She poked the side of his stomach, causing him to freeze up and squirm. "I won't hurt you, you know. Plus, we're both warm now, see?"

Hidan crossed his arms and sulked, having decided that he would stop fighting for now to get warm. He hadn't forgiven her and he probably never would.

"Hmph! Stupid Kumori..." he muttered under his breath.

"You know I can hear that right?"


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