Swear #13

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Devilish Origin

Swear #13

Due to Hidan's memory of the situation, Tatsuya was able to deploy a large number of ninja to go on missions to recover the slaves. The mission proved successful and the reputation of the village started to rise.

Kumori glanced to her side; Hidan stood there with a scowl on his face. He was looking at the menu of food in front of him, trying to figure out which one he wanted.

"Hidan, why don't you have spare ribs again?" Kumori suggested.


Kumori ordered the food, but in her mind, she was worried about the younger teen. After the incident he had been caught up in, he had to be admitted to hospital when he came back and treated for any conditions he might have contracted. He was completely fine, which was a miracle, but she couldn't help but worry more about him than ever.

The look in his eyes has changed. Kumori noted. His emotions were a lot darker and intense than before, but in short bursts. She was sure it was related to what had happened back in that torture chamber. Even though Kumori had seen what had happened from Hidan's point of view, she didn't know the full extent of what he felt or experienced.

"Don't just stand in the middle of the place, ugly." Hidan leaned on his palm on the table.

Kumori silently went over, bringing along some cups of hot green tea.

"What's with you? You're so damn quiet." Hidan took the tea and tried to drink it, but it was too hot so he ended up burning his tongue.

"I've just been thinking, that's all. There's a lot on my mind lately." Kumori replied with a small but empty laugh. "Anyway, enough about me, what about you? You okay?"

"Why the hell are you asking me that so much? You've asked that more than a hundred times, you know." Hidan pointed at her with a chopstick, lazily waving it around in front of her face.

"I guess I might have." Kumori shrugged, "I can't help but care for my little brother, so it can't be helped!"

"Who's your little brother?!" Hidan snapped, frowning bashfully. He shook his fist at her and crossed his arms, looking away.

Kumori laughed at his reaction. He had mellowed down a little bit in her presence, but it didn't stop him from spouting insults here and there.

"Hey, Kumori..." Hidan started, glancing over at her.

The female looked up from her cup of tea, "Yeah?"

"When I turn 16 I will beat you in a fight! Fair and square!" Hidan pointed at her in declaration. He had a determined look on his face and a positive but fierce look in his eyes.

The kunoichi laughed and nodded, "That's if you can try." It was likely that he would beat her soon enough, especially if in a few years' time. After all, he had an untapped potential yet to be explored. "I'm surprised you'd wait that long to defeat me."

"That's because I hate you!" Hidan's eyes lighted up when the serving of spare ribs was placed in front of him. "I'll beat you when I'm the best!"

"Sure, sure. I've been treating you to food so I thought you'd love me by now." Kumori snickered.

"Hmph! It makes me hate you even more!"

"Nah, I think you love me more."

"Shut up and eat!"

"Okay, okay."

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