Swear #7

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Devilish Origin

Swear #7


Hidan groaned and twitched in his unconscious slumber, eventually waking up when a drop of water hit his face. He blinked wide awake and thought he was dreaming, since the area was so dark, but he slowly adjusted to it.

"The hell...?" He whispered, looking around. He looked to be in a prison cell. He wasn't the only one in the room – there were others there, but he couldn't make out their faces because it was too dark.

"Where...are we...?" One voice asked from his side.

"The heck should I know?" Hidan immediately replied, a foul mood hitting him. He was hungry and he wanted to get out of the stinking place.

There was a dark chuckle from Hidan's other side, which he stared at with a funny expression. "We've been taken by slave traders."

"Slave traders?" Hidan exclaimed, standing up abruptly. He heard the rattling of chains and his magenta eyes widened as he felt the tug and weight of the chains on his limbs. "Chains?!"

Some of the people in the room – Hidan suspected they were all around the same age as him – started crying. He recognised some of the voices as civilians in the village which he sometimes greeted because they gave him free food, but that was it.

Kumori's face popped into the silver haired male's head, taunting him 'you can't even get out of these chains?' Her smug expression pissed the teen ninja off and he smashed the chains against the wall, trying to destroy them. Even though it made a loud noise, nobody came to check on them.

"Stop that, Hidan!" One of them spoke up. It was a feminine voice.

"Why the hell should I?! I want to get out of here!" Hidan did everything he could to the chains, but they didn't break off no matter what. He couldn't use chakra either.

"We can't get out of here..." The female sniffed. Her lip quivered, "We've been captured and there's no way out!"

"SHUT UP!" Hidan bellowed. His voice echoed in the room, hitting all corners. "You think we can't get out? You haven't even tried! So shut up or help me break out of this stupid thing!"

The female was speechless for a long while, before a sob ripped out of her, which Hidan frowned to, an anger mark appearing on his head. He looked around the room, his eyes having adjusted to the incredibly dim lighting. He spotted only around 5 people, and they looked to be the same silhouettes as those he saw the guy who killed the merchant seal into a scroll.

The memory of what happened before he came to be there in the prison came back to him and he growled in anger, clenching his fists so tightly that they were white.


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