Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Captain! Captain Tomlinson!" One of my crew members snapped me out of my thoughts. A lot has changed over the past six years. The crew grew old or died so they stopped being pirates. I had to find a new crew, a lot younger grew.

"What Zayn." Zayn was my First Mate of The Pearl.

"Were almost to land. Did you want to take boats there or port the ship there?"

"It's only Lottie and I going so, boats yeah?"

We were going to the island where we buried my parents and sisters. Today, six years ago, was when The Styles killed them. I've been wanting to get revenge. They also took my mum and sister's jewels I wanted them back. I had mine, my dad's and Lottie's on my hat.

I walked onto the deck to get in the boat.

"Liam wheres Lottie?"

"Perrie went to go get her Captain."

I nodded. Shortly after a blond with pale skin and blue eyes walked up from the lower part of the ship. Right behind her was my sister.

"You're late Lottie!''

"I know, I'm sorry Lou-"

"Its Captain!' I said cutting her off

"But were brother and sister. Whats the point?"

"I don't care if were related, you still call me Captain got it.''

"Yes sir, Captain." She said hanging her head and getting into the boat.

"Captain Tomlinson, are you sure you don't need anyone else going out ther with you?" Perrie asked.

"Josh is fine. "

"Alright Captain." Liam lowered us down into the water. Josh has been part of the ship since we were five years old. We became friends, why didn't I choose him to be First Mate, well because of his secret if anyone found out it would be bad. He doesn't remember much from his past, all he remembers is being found from my dad.

When The Styles came onto the ship when we were fifteen he had hid in one on the room, no one ever looks in, because its a secret room. As kids we would always go in there, today I use the room as an extra study and a place to sleep. Only Josh and I know about it.

Josh has also became boyfriends with one of the crew. We arrived at the island. Josh stayed at the boat well Lottie and I went to the tombstones we made.

Lottie picked five flowers she laid one one each grave. When she laid the last two on the twins grave she ran back to me, hugging every tightly.

"I miss them so much."

"I do too. Now let's go."

"Why can't we stay a little longer."

"Well one we have to get back on course and two all we do is stand here looking at their graves."

"You know we could always talk to them."

"Go for it. I'll be waiting by the boat." I started to walked back to the boat. Half way there a gun shot was fired off. Lottie! I ran, as quickly as i could, back to Lottie. She was sitting on the ground crying. I picked her, she's a little heavy,but if you want to be a pirate you have to be strong to fight off other pirates.

I ran back to the boat. Josh was still standing there but, he had his gun pointed down at a man.

"I didn't know what I should have done Captain, I'm sorry."

"Josh you did the right thing now let's go.There might be more."

"But Captain he called me Prince Josh. What does that mean?"

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath. "Meet me in my study after dinner."

We reached the ship, everyone was staring at us with shock.


"Nothing Captain." Perrie said.

"Get back to work!" I ordered and they stopped staring and got back to their jobs.


I sat my normal seat, the Captain's seat, at dinner. Lottie sat in mum's chair, across the table from me. Zayn sat on my left, Liam to his left, holding hands, Perrie,Eleanor. Then, Josh and Niall sat beside Lottie.

Perrie and Eleanor were nurses but, Perrie got to do more pirate like things. Eleanor taught Lottie nursing and Perrie taught her some fighting skills.

I grew bored sitting there, after eating, I got up and walked out of the room.

"I better get back to work, before Capt. gets mad." I heard Josh say.

I walked down to the third deck area. Down a long boring hallway. The very Last door had a sign that said Keep Out!. The room was kind of obvious now but, no one ever came down here besides me.

I unlocked the door and sat down at my desk. A knock sounded from the door.Josh was standing in the door.

"No one followed you right." He nodded and I let him in. He sat on the bed and I sat at my desk.

"Josh when we found you, you were five. You were with your parents were riding through the market in France."

"Who are my parents?"

"Their the King and Queen of France. They stopped to talk to someone. Something caught your eye and you got got of the carriage. You got lost and my dad found you. He took you to our ship and raised you to be a pirate."

"So, one your saying I'm the missing Prince of France. " I nodded. "Is that why you dont let me go into the city, when were there." I nodded again. "Why was your father in France?"

"He was looking for something but, he couldn't find it."

"After all these years you never told me."

"No, we had to keep it a secret cos' if you knew the truth we thought you would want to go back to being a Prince."

"Well, I think I'm going to stick with the pirate life. I like it here and not because of Niall. I just like being out in the open. If I would have choose the royal life I'll probably never be able to leave the castle."

"That's true.''

"When we get to France are you going to let me off the ship?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Talk to parents that I've chosen this life and proud about it."

"Sure, you got an hour. If you don't come back, I'll find you and lock you up in a prison cell for a week."

"I won't, I promise Captain."

"Go you're dismissed."

The Voyage For Styles(Larry Stylinson) AU {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now