Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I couldn't sleep tonight. I stayed at the hem of the ship, stirring in the direction we needed to go. I had to talk to an old friend of mine. I'm not going to say his name till its the right time. He's a Captain, for a different ship of course. We always met in Ireland every year around this time. It was the only time and place when were not wanted.

I look up at the sky, the stars were out. The only stars that catch my eye is the North-Star. He always told me about this magical fairy tale land called Neverland. I think he was high when he talked about it but then he always said I reminded him of a boy named Peter. Perrie reminded him of a pixie named Tinker. I'm still thinking he was high. However, looking up at that star reminds me og him, because of those stories he told about Neverland.

I bring my attention back to the sea, to see the sun slowly rising. Night goes by fast when you think a lot, huh? Well I think it does, that's probably because I do think a lot. Especially about that boy that I've captured-now. I know I've only seen him for like four night of so, but he still plays in my mind. His curly hair and green eyes.

"Captain." I heard Liam say, making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Did you stay up all night?"

"Yes and bring that boy to my study."

Harry's POV

Last night I tried falling asleep, but I couldn't. Music, dancing and I think sword fighting went on. I think the Captain yelled for everyone to go to sleep, cause it got quiet. Only sound was the the ship creaking. In the morning-well at least I thought it was- I could hear voices up above, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. The door opens, a male walks in, coming close to me. He began unlocking the chains.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Captain wants to speak with you." He said unlocking my feet.

"Oh... Why does he want to talk to me? I'm a prisoner."

"I don't know kid." He helped me off the floor, then grabs a fist full of the back of my shirt.

"I still love you Liam. Zayn chuckled. The man, 'Liam' ignores him. He pushes me forward and we began to walk up to the deck. Liam opened a door to what lead to a study, the Captain'sstudy. Liam pushed me into a chair in front of a desk.

"If you get out of the chair Capt will have you your head. If you try to escape well Capt will have your head. Understand?" I nod, Liam left the room closing the door behind him.

Another door opens, the Captain walks through. I gulp, not knowing what he could do to me. He sits down in his chair, placing his tine feet on the desk. He rested his hands in his lap. Hes fingers crossed each other.

"Do you want to be free?" He mumbles a bit

"What?" I ask

"You heard me."

"Oh... umm... I guess so."

"Okay your free from the prison, but your still my prisoner. You have to do what I say." I nod. "Follow these simple rules and you do fine. Rule number one, most important of all, disobey me punishment will happen. Rule number two, don't talk to anyone but Liam and I. Rule number three, never leave my side. And for rule number four at night you'll be sleeping in my bed. I'll be locking the door so you cant escape. Understand?"

"Understood, quick question though so if I do try to escape what would yo do?"

"Well that would be breaking rule one and three."

"How would I break one."

"By disobeying rule three. Rule one foes to all rules. Later on more rules may appear and some can change depends if I want to change them."

"Oh." He took his feet off the desk, stands up and walks over to the door to open it.

"Let's go peasant." I quickly got out of the seat following onto the deck. All the pirates were working, not one took a break. On my dad's ship nobody worked, they were all to damn lazy. These pirates looked strong, no wonder The Tomlinsons were the best pirates at sea.

"Harry!" Nicole's voice rang in my ears. I turned around to wave at her. She run's up to me. "How did you get free?"

I open my mouth to answer her, but I remembered rule two. Don't talk to anyone but Louis and Liam. I turn around looking for the Captain, he was no where in sight. Shit, rule three never leave his side. Thanks to Nicole. I roll my eyes, looking for Louis. I found him at the hem. I left Nicole still unanswered and confused now. I walked up to Louis' side.

"Strike one."He said

"What?" I questioned.

"I'm giving you three chances. Now you have two."

"Oh I'm sorry Louis."

"Captain! It's Captain. You've been talking to that dumb-ass for way to long!" He snapped.He's not in a good mood I can tell. He had tiny bags under his eyes, no sleep I take it. He looked up at me, my body towering a bit over him. He looked away, watching Liam walk up the stairs.

"Hey Captain there's lunch ready for us to eat, are you going to be joining us?"

"Yes in a little bit, but peasant here will be."

"But you said stay at your side at all times."

"Yes i did smart ass but you would be disobey rule one by disobey me. So goes with Liam, don't leave his side and don't talk to anyone but him. If he does Liam tell him 'Strike two'." Liam nods, I swallow a lump in my throat and follow Liam.

The Voyage For Styles(Larry Stylinson) AU {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now