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Louis' POV

As many, many, many, many- let's just say 200 years later. Harry and I still adventured the seas. I continued to get cat and more cats after they died. We still visit Hook, Peter, and the Lost Boys and the Lost Girls. Yes the three girls are now the Lost Girls. Today was the day that we went to go see them.

"Daddy, where are we going? Why is the ship flying?" Our adopted son James asked.

"We are going to this island call Neverland. We go every year remember." I told him.

"To see Aunt Lottie right?"

"Yes and to see you other aunts and to see your uncles." He nodded and ran off. "No running how many times do I have to tell you kids to stop running on the ship. I don't want you falling over board!" I yelled after and he stop.

We had six kids, Logan age 10, Victor age 8, Kris age 7, James age 6, Harry Jr. age 5 all boys. Then, our little girl Louise age 4. We made all of them drink that same drink Peter gave us a long time ago. We wanted them to stay young forever.

A pair of strong arms snaked around me. I looked up at Harry jade green eyes. He kissed my cheek. I kissed his back.

"How's my little Captain doing?" He asked turning me around.

"I'm doing great but shouldn't you be stirring my ship."

"Nope," he pecked my lips "I made Logan." I rolled my eyes.

"Dads where in Neverland." Logan yelled from the wheel.

I walked over to the side seeing the island. I could see his friends waiting for them. I waved down at them and they waved back. Logan landed the ship next Hook's. I lowered the plank so we get off the ship. Harry helps the kids first before we walk off.

"Hi guys!" I smiled widely. I hugged everyone.

"Lou I've miss you man!" Ash yelled hugging me tightly.

"I've missed you Ash, now have you been this past year."

"Good but can you get you son off my leg."

I try prying of Harry Jr. off Ash's leg but he didn't budge. I shrugged my shoulders; if Harry won't stop hugging his leg then Ash is just going to deal with it. Harry Jr. was just like Harry, loved cuddles and attention.

"Junior get off of your uncles leg please. He'll cuddle you to death if you want him to." I say. Junior let's go of his leg and makes grabby hands up at Ash.

Ash picks him hugging him close a swaying back and forth. I let out a small chuckle. I go find my daughter so she doesn't run off. I scoop her up in my arms making her giggle. I kissed her cheek making her giggle even more.

"Alright let's go back to the camp!" Peter yelled. "Louis makes sure you have every child of yours with you this time. Someone got last year and I don't want Luke to find them again"

Well Ash had Junior, I had Louise, Logan was fine by himself but he was talking to Perrie, Victor was with Hook, Kris was with Cal, James was with Harry so that worked out.

By the time we got to the camp it was dark so we had an annual bonfire. All six kids had fallen asleep so we put in a treehouse that Hook built just for them. The rest of us talked about what happened within the last year. We always did this.

"So Harry how's your eye? I'm still about that by the way." Peter asks.

"You say that every year. But I finally took the patch off and I can see out of that eye. It's just a huge scar. I think it's cool but Louis and the kids tell me I look better with the patch." Harry says playing my hair since I laid my head in his lad.

The Voyage For Styles(Larry Stylinson) AU {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now