Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Louis POV

For the past few days I've been making Harry do whatever I want him to do. I was his puppet master, as you could say. I made him clean my feet, clean my room; bed and all. I made him clean the floors. Speaking about cleaning the floors that is what he's still doing. I watched as he scrubbed back and forth on the wooden floor. Once in a while I tell him he missed a spot to mess with him. I'd laugh quietly to myself.

"Captain?" Liam ran up to me. "We almost to land do you want dock or do you want me to?"

"You can peasant here is cleaning if he stops well he won't be coming with me."

"I thought you had a me-"I cut him off

"I do but he won't be intruding that now go." Liam left going to the hem of the ship. I looked back down at Harry, he had stopped working and looking up at me. I gave him a look to get back to work, he quickly did.

We docked rather quicker than I thought we would. I made sure I had me keys, my hat, my map, and some coins just in case I wanted to buy a couple beers for us. Oh and I couldn't forget my peasant. The crew already left without my orders, my friends left also; they took my sister with them. Harry and I walked down the ramp. I made sure that he stayed at my side at all times. If was slowing down I'd drag him forward or if he got ahead of me I'd do the same, drag him backwards.

The person I was meeting was waiting for us at the 'The Late Night Bite.' I was pub that we loved to visit. We walked into the front doors. I pushed Harry into a booth to sit; I sat beside him so there was no way for him to escape me. A man sat across from us. He had his usual black eye liner on and black coat. Short brown hair and blue eyes but not as an ocean blue like mine more of a baby blue.

"Hello Captain." I say.

"Hello Louis, who this?" He nods over to Harry. "Is he your new toy?"

"This is Harry and no."

"Oh hello Harry." He held out is left hand- well hook- to shake Harry's hand. "Oh my bad, I was left handed and I still used to reaching out with this hand. I'm so sorry." He switches hands and Harry shakes his hand.

"You can say hello to him peasant but nothing else got it." Harry nods and says a quiet hello to Hook. Oh yeah my friends name is Hook. I think it had to do with the hook for a hand now.

Hook and I talked, just catching up; we order a couple beers also. I ordered one for Harry so he wasn't so bored sitting here. He was resting his head in his hand or leaned back against the back of us. I pulled my map out so we could get back to what we were supposed to be doing. He circled a spot saying that's where we needed to go and that was back to France, then to a place in Russia. This was going to be a long treasure hunt.

"Captain can we leave, I'm bored, I have to pee, and I want to see Ireland. I never got to." Harry whined. I was about to speak but Hook spoke up.

"Actually I should be going as well."

'How 'bout you join us on this?" I asked.

"I'll meet you in Russia but that about it but it might be a few days, I have to visit Wendy and Pan back In Neverland."

"You're never going to let that go are you?"

"It real Louis, I would show you but once you arrive you can't really leave but I manage to get away." I just rolled my eyes at him, grabbed my map and dragged Harry away by the ear. He repeatedly kept saying ow. I lead him to the ship and took him the bedroom.

"Stay in here with the cat, if your gone when I come back punishment will follow I growled at him.

"I still have to take a piss."

"Here's a damn bucket, piss in this." I handed him a bucket and left the room.

Harry POV

Stay in here he says. Piss in the damn bucket he says. Clean the floor he says. Clean my feet he says. Don't leave this room or punishment will happen he says. I'm about done with him. He's just getting on my nerves. I thought I was falling for him but not anymore. Well maybe a little bit. I set bucket down on the ground so I can pee.

When I finished I laid on the bed staring up at the ceiling. Louis' cat-that didn't have a name yet-crawled on my torso and curled into a ball to sleep. I stroke at it back and it purrs. I wonder what would happen if I did escape from him.

I gently cupped that cat in my hands and place it on a pillow. I opened up the door to his study; Louis was sitting at his desk. Feet up on the table and his hat over his face. I heard silent snores come from him, was he sleeping? He made a loud snore and I took that as a yes. I quietly left his study, walked quietly to land. Once I was on land I ran, ran as fast as I could.

I never looked back, just kept running. I did turn back once to look to see if I could see the ship or if someone was following me. I faced forward again and ran into someone. Hook. I stumble backwards a bit; he caught me by the shirt with his hook.

"Are you lost?" He asked I shook my head no. "Do you need help finding your master?" I shook my head no again. "Come on I'll take you back to The Pearl."

A/N There's a gif off to the side of Hook.

Question of the Day what should we name the cat? Answer in the comments please. Please vote Thanks lovelies. Love you all

~LeighAnn or Leigh~

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