Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

*Third person*

Zayn and Nicole reach the island of France within a week. They docked in a private area. Another ship was present but seemed empty. They weren't going to bother with so instead they went below deck to the cells.

"Love birds, you're coming with us." Nicole said unlocking the cell door then unlocking their chains.

"What if we don't want to?" Louis asks. Zayn grabs by the collar of his shirt to pick him up. Zayn had a nasty look on his face.

"You will!" Zayn barked out.

"Is there an or else? There's always an or else." Louis asks in a sassy tone.

"Oh yes shorty, if you don't the brain and guts of your boyfriend will be scatter all over." Zayn let's go of Louis shirt. Louis' eyes grew wide, and then looked over at Harry. Harry looked scared and they decided to follow Nicole and Zayn.

They pushed the boys out of the room, up the stairs, onto the deck and then off the ship. Each the boys got pushed; they would fall on their face. Getting their face cut up from the wood. It also ripped their clothing more than before. When they got pushed into the sand, it burned all their cuts. Louis tried crawling to the water to rinse his face but Nicole kicked him the ribs. Louis clutched onto them in pain.

"Get up you worthless piece of shit!" Nicole yelled. Louis had a hard time getting up so Harry came over to help him. Picking his up under his armpits. Louis had mumbles a 'thanks' to him.

"Show us were the treasure is."

"It's in a cave, somewhere over there." Louis shakes his finger in the direction the cave is. Louis started to walk forward but Harry grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers together. Louis looked down at their clasped hands and smiled.

"I take you're not mad at me anymore?" Louis looks back up at Harry. Harry shows a dimpled smile and nods his head.

Nicole and Zayn were walking slowly behind Louis and Harry. They were trying to be distance from each other and make sure that they boys wouldn't escape.

The cave wasn't that far from the ship. Louis stopped, halting Harry as well. It was pitch black throughout the cave. Only part lit up was the entrance. When Zayn had approached, he had begun to step into the cave but Louis pulled him back.

"Zayn it's not a smart idea to go in there without any light with you. Plus you don't know where the chest is, I do." Louis said looking up at Zayn.

"Then you go and I'll follow."

"No only one person shall go and that person will be me." Louis had let his grip loose from Harry, stepping forward into the cave. Harry grabbed his hand before he could go any farther.

"You can't go, you might get hurt."

"I'll be fine." Louis stands on his tip toes to whisper into Harry's ear. "Meet me at the end if the cave. Hook and I will be waiting for you. Just give me 10 minutes okay."

Louis stands back to normal, looking Harry into his emerald green eyes. Harry nods his head and then kisses Louis' lips real quick. Louis starts to head into the cave not looking back. He felt along the wet cave wall. Up ahead he could see a small light flickering. He made his way towards it, picking it up out of it rack and then walking again. Louis found Hook not too far away. He was standing behind a medium sized treasure chest.

"What's in the chest Hook?"

"Well first do you believe in fairies?"

"Does this have to with your Neverland?" Louis asks putting quotations around the words Neverland. Hook nods. "Yes."

Hook bends down to pick the chest up and carrying it away from Louis. He followed Hook knowing that they would be exiting the cave at the back. Hook asked Louis why he looked a little beaten up, he could tell by how the fire reflected off Louis' face. Louis explained to him how his old first mate and Zayn's girlfriend locked him up and basically hurt them.

"When we get to Neverland I'll get you cleaned up okay?" Louis nodded. "You can meet my crew, the fairies and Pan. You'll like Pan."

"How do you know I'll like Pan?" Louis asked.

"You will because he's my boyfriend and you guys are so similar." Hook smiled when he saw light ahead. They moth placed their torches down, stomping on them to put the fire out.

Harry was waiting outside, pacing back and forth. Louis could tell he was getting worried. So he ran to him and tackled him to the ground. Louis sat on Harry's hips, their faces really close. Harry smiled up at Louis; Louis smiled back then pecked Harry's lips.

"Come on boys, we have to leave at a certain time. If we don't we might not make it and we'll have to wait till next month."

They boys both got up and dust the dirt off their clothes. They follow Hook to his ship without getting seen by Zayn and Nicole. Louis hid behind a tree to see what was going on. Zayn was getting angry that neither Harry nor Louis was coming.

Louis jogged to catch back up with Hook. They enter his ship quickly, there wasn't a crew abroad like normally but it was better than nothing. Hook orders the boys to draw the anchor. Louis was weakling when it came to bring the anchors in. Harry was doing on the work but they both managed to get it up.

Hook left the island sailing the ship to the middle. It was going to take a while before he reached that certain point. It might be night by the time he reaches it and that's exactly the time he wants to get there.

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