Chapter 15

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Louis woke up the next morning with the sun shining in his eyes, sand in his hair and two sets of arms wrapped around him. He turned to look at person behind him thinking that it might be Harry but it wasn't. It was Michael and Ash. The boys from last night.

"What the hell! Get off me!" Louis yelled scrambling away from the boys. The boys woke up from their slumber and starred at Louis. "Why? You just can't do that to people."

"Shhh Lou we were just..." Michael said standing up and rushing to Louis side.

"No no no, don't touch me and don't call me Lou it's Louis!" He yelled again.

"Louis." Ash said rolling his eyes because the all went by nickname instead if full. "Stop your yelling before you get us in trouble."

"No I won't till you tell me why you were sleeping with me." Louis said backing away from them. He trips over the log that was around the fire pit and falls into the ashes. The boys help him up, sitting him down on the log.

"You were shivering and mumbling things about a guy named Harry in your sleep." Ash said rubbing small circles on Louis' back.

"Harry, where's Harry!" Louis yelled once more. He got up from his spot and ran to the ship, trying to find Harry. Yelling his name over and over again. Something or someone landed on the ship scaring Louis. He turned around to see Peter.

Peter flew over towards Louis, wrapping a piece of cloth over his mouth and tying it in the back. Peter grabbed Louis' wrist, shooting up into the sky and flying back onto the beach.

"Lost boys Michael and Ashton!" Peter yelled. Mike and Ash walked slowly over to him with their heads down. "I thought I had specific rules of not yelling in the mornings and to tell new comers not to yell. Now this is what you get for upsetting me." He pushes Louis forward towards the boys.

"We're sorry Pan he was just freaking out and looking for this Harry person." Ash says looking up at Peter.

"The curly lad? Oh yes, he I found him wandering around last night so I tied him to a tree." Peter said pointing over to a tree with a curly lad tied up. Louis eyes brighten and ran over to Harry. Falling on his knees as he did. He checked for any cuts, finding a few on his face but they were small.

"I'm sorry for what I said yesterday." Harry says moving to press a kiss too Louis forehead. Louis unties the cloth from his mouth. "I thought about it and I really do love you my Captain Louis William Tomlinson." He then presses his lips to Louis. Louis grabs Harry's face making the kiss intense.

The ropes on Harry were being undone and he wrapped his arms around Louis neck. Tangling his long fingers into Louis hair. Louis straddled him before he was pulled off. Peter had his sword out and swung it across Harry's right eye. Louis saw the blood run down his face and quickly turned away. Peter whispered into Harry's ear before placing an eye patch over his eye. He looked a lot tougher this way too.

"What did I tell you curly? Too much kissing with your boyfriend and something like this will happen. It won't be as bad as I just did but let's just put this as a warning." Peter said walking away placing his sword back into the slot.


Back on the mainland Zayn was mad about the boys escaping. He and Nicole searched the land for them and couldn't find them. They were back on the ship Nicole giving orders up above as Zayn went into the cell room trying to get some answers.

"Prince of France where would they go?!"

"I don't know Zayn. They never talked about an escape plan. I don't know where they went." Josh's voice was shaky.

"I know where they went but I can't tell you." Liam pipes up.

"Tell me and I'll let you go." Zayn says bending down to Liam's level.

"No because if I tell you while I'm locked up you won't let me go. So it's your choice if you want to know where they are"

Zayn kisses Liam's lips, "You're so smart." He pulls the keys out unlocking the chains from Liam's wrist and ankles. Liam reached his hands around Zayn's waist so he could get up. Slowly he takes Zayn's gun, shoving it down his pants when Zayn turned around to look at the other prisoners.

"They went with Louis' friend Captain Hook."

"To where my love?" Zayn wraps his arm around Liam's waist guiding him up to the deck.

"To a place we can't reach." Liam says looking down.

"Where will that be?" Zayn kisses Liam's temple.

"Umm it be better if I told you where to find the stuff to get there. Tomlinson had a copy of the map, which had two location of the treasure you were looking for."

"You're so smart Li-Li. Why did I ever leave you?"

"Because you betrayed us."

"Oh right, right that is true but I'm sorry for that." Liam didn't say a word after that. He just followed Zayn around, thinking of a way to use the gun he stole. He was either going to kill Zayn or at least try too.

Liam kept his head down as he walked behind Zayn. When Zayn came to a stop, Liam ran right into him almost falling back but catching himself. Zayn turned around placing his hands on Liam's hips spinning themselves around. They were facing out at the sea, Zayn placing his chin on Liam's shoulder. Zayn slowing moved his hands to the front of Liam. Lifting the hem of the shirt up a bit, removing his gun.

"Didn't think I wouldn't notice, yeah?" He whispers into Liam's ear. "Now show me where this other map is babe." He places the gun in the middle if his shoulder blades. Liam filches a bit, and then walks towards Louis' second room in the lower deck.

Liam slowly reaches to the knob, turning it only to find out that it was locked. Zayn pushes Liam behind him, pointing the gun at the knob. As the shot was fired the door opened for them. Liam walked in first pointing at the desk with a trembling hand. Zayn searched the desk for the map. Once he conceded he folded the map up and sticking it into his boot. Liam sat on the small bed putting his head in his hands.

"What's wrong babe?" Zayn asks sitting down beside Liam, placing a hand on Liam's lower back.

"You're what's wrong. I don't know what to feel, like loved or betrayed. I still have feeling for you Z but then I don't because I remember that you have betrayed us. Not only us but me more likely. You used me really, I was just a toy for you and you never really cared for me."

"Liam at one point I loved you but can you forgive me now?"

"That's the thing Z I don't know if I can." Liam cried into his hands as Zayn rubbed small circles on his back. Liam leaned into him, curling his legs up. Women's boots could be heard walking down the hallway. She stepped into the doorway to see the two boys. Zayn looked up at her, she questionably pointed at Liam.

Zayn shook his head at her and told her to leave. She turned on her heels walking away. He told Liam that he'll be right back; Liam nods as Zayn gets up leaving the room. Walking after the woman, when he found her he placed a hand on her shoulder turning her around.

"Nicole I had to free him, I still love him as much as I love you." He kisses her forehead.

"But Zayn you can't love both of us. You have to choose. You wanted this to happen to him but now you want to be with him?" She pokes her finger into his chest multiple times.

"I'm sorry Nicole but I'm going to have to be with him." He kisses her forehead goodbye. He pulls his gun pointing it at her chest.

'Goodbye' he mouths. He pulls the trigger, the bullets killing her after three shots. She falls backwards; Zayn picks her up into his arms. He carried her upstairs, and throwing her over the ship.

The Voyage For Styles(Larry Stylinson) AU {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now