Chapter One

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It was a gloomy day. No sunlight filtered through the dark grey clouds, but yet, it still wasn't home. It was L.A. Suddenly, Mark clapped a hand on my shoulder and asked, "You alright?"

Shaking out of my thoughts, I reply, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Okay, well truth or dare, my little leprechaun friend," Wade said creepily.

Oh great. My blue eyes widened. This is going to be some Septiplier shiz, isn't it? What's the point of even asking? The fanbase has seen it, so why can't I admit it to myself or him? What would Wiishu say? The people all watching the current panel sat in complete silence, waiting for me to say something. Some of them had bloodshot eyes and caused an uneasy feeling in my stomach. It's terrible, because I love them all.

"Okay, truth," I eventually sigh miserably, accepting my fate.

"How do you really feel about our dear Markiplier?"

The crowd cheered excitedly at that one question. Now, I wished I could of answered truthfully, they deserved that much. Well, technically, I wasn't lying when I answered, "I don't know. It's not necessarily a- um- hateful- H-he's a good friend."

"That's not what he meant Jack," Bob chimed in, a mischievous look in his eyes.

The bastards already knew, didn't they? My cheeks heated up once Mark's brown eyes met my blue. God dammit!

"Erm. I-" An earsplitting shriek echoed through the whole room.

This caused everyone to stand up, eyes widened with horror. Blood splattered on the wall as a pale man tackled a girl, clamping his teeth into her neck. No, it wasn't a vampire.

Honestly, that would be much more believable then what was happening in front of us. Bob backed up, his jaw hanging open as Wade hid behind the man. Mark stood frozen, watching as it all took place, a terrified look on his face. Turning my head I yelled, "Great job guys! This is an amazing prank!"

It was really for my raven-haired friend because I knew this was either a nightmare or was actually happening. Why aren't we running? That would be the smartest thing to do.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a man with blood dripping out of his mouth running towards the guy who was obviously not going to move. Blood roared in my ears as I tackled Mark out of the way right when the sickly man reached him.  He shook out of it once I rolled off of him and sat beside my best friend, the flesh-eating creature rushing at us. With my heart thudding out of my chest, I realized something.

Of course, since I took the thing's victim, it was going to attack me.

That's what ya' get for being a hero, Jack.

It was kicked off of me from the one and only Markiplier. Fine, now we're even. He stood up and grabbed my hand, helping me up.

"What the hell is happening?" Bob asked, eyes scanning over the things attacking people.

I felt guilty after I said, "I don't know, but I'd think It'd be in our best interest to get the hell out of here..."


No one spoke after we somehow reached the car. We mostly just sat in silence, all of us hoping to wake up. Mark stared at the bleeding gash on my forehead from me tripping and hitting my head on a table. Even though this was the stupidest time to be all school-girl crushy, I tried to hide the blush on my face and keep my eyes forward. Bob drove with Wade desperately trying to call Molly in the passenger seat. This was all just a huge nightmare.

My thoughts traveled to Wiishu when she almost bit and/or killed Wade, her blue eyes dazed as she snapped her jaws at my friend. But she wasn't herself anymore. I didn't even know I was crying until Mark pulled me into a hug, trying to soothe me and clean the wound that was oozing dark red liquid on my head with a napkin. That doof.

Reality (Septiplier Fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now