Chapter 8

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I woke up in the dark listening to the zombies screeching outside. Only then is when I realize that I'm terrified. I'm pretty sure it sounds psychopathic but for a while I didn't know I was scared. I didn't know I was terrified to lose him. Why am I hesitating? I know he likes me.

Then it hit me. I wasn't just scared of losing him... I knew we won't last... Either one of us will die or get bitten or it'll blow up in our faces...

"Appreciate it while it lasts then," A voice suddenly says.

I bolt up from the couch only to see Wade. I shake my head. He walks away leaving me with no explanation and my own thoughts. Eventually I decided it was enough.

Trudging down the hallway, I walk into Mark's room and climb into bed with him, snuggling as close as I could. His scent was all that was needed for me to feel better. Mark. Don't I love his name. I love the way he says mine too. His laugh and his smile were the world to me... Well before it went to shit. The world I could lose him in...

"Jack?" He murmurs groggily, voice deeper then usual causing chills down my spine.

I turned to stare at him, his eyes squinting at me, showing his confusion. A smile tugs at my mouth as I grab his face and press my lips against his. He tenses up for a second before melting into it. All of the unsaid words of affection, the need, the love we're all in that one small kiss.

He pulled away and opened his eyes slowly. I'd have to say, the shocked expression was adorable.

"I like you too, by the way."

I could of sworn I saw a flash of a camera in the distance.


The next morning there was a huge banging at our door, panicked begs coming from the other side. Mark stood in front of me, his one hand on my chest the other gripping my hand firmly.

Felix opened the door, gun aimed but lowered it when he saw who it was. Soaked jet black hair matched the tears streaming from his blue eyes. He held a limp figure in his arms. The, what I presumed to be males, clothes were clinging to his body and he was shivering.

"Phil?" I ask, "What's-"

"Felix! Jack! Mark! Please you have to help me," He sobbed, voice cracking a couple of times, "It's Dan please. You have to help. Please please please."

"Phil," Dan groaned, "I-"

"Shh you're going to waste your energy!"

Marzia hurried over and rushed Phil inside. The tall boy never looked so small in my eyes. When he set Dan down, he immediately crouched down next to him and ran his hands through the brunette's now curling hair. Mark whispered, "Do you think they're together together?"

"I don't know. But don't out them if you just assume. They might not want anyone to know if they are..." I murmured back.

When I looked back at Phil, I noted his gaze was targeted towards us, "You two are...?"

I went to open my mouth but Mark interrupted me, "Um... I guess. I don't know... Jack?"

I glared at him, unsure myself, "I mean do you want to be? Because I- um... Definitely wouldn't mind..."

He smiled at me and nodded.

"Aawwwww, that's cute-" Phil gaped, eyes a bit brighter until turning to Mariza.

She looked at Dan in confusion, "I see the badly bleeding bullet wound but... Why is he freezing?"

"We walked through the blizzard... Well I did... He got carried here..."

"Okay, well you can put your damp clothes in the drier..."

Phil nods and sits Dan up, who was gripping onto his best friend's arm making it seem like he was afraid that if he let go, he'd lose him. The black haired man pulled Dan's over his head, hanging it on the back of the couch.

A smirk formed at the brunette's lips, "Youknowiloveyourightlulimgoingtosdgsfd."

Phil's cheeks immediately turned red, "What did you just say?"

Dan laid back down, barely able to keep his eyes open,"Am I going to die?"

"No of course not..."

Just kiss already God dammit. So this made me think... Phil.. He obviously likes Dan but I'm not going to out him. Mariza explained to them that she has to take the bullet out of his side but the man on the couch wasn't listening. He looked like he was studying every single detail on Phil's face as if it was the last time seeing it.

So when Marzia went to go remove the bullet...


Phil looked like he was stifling laughter as Dan grabbed a pillow and bit it. Why didn't Marzia knock him out? She probably was too afraid he would die in his sleep.


Soon Dan's wound was all fixed and he was asleep on the couch in warm clothes. Phil was laughing and telling what had happened. Someone from their group decided they didn't like Dan's sarcastic personality so they tried to kill him. The gun was originally aimed at his head but his best friend tackled the guy before he shot. He noticed the bite mark on the guy who tried to kill Dan and had to kill him. He wondered for miles, following the light from the house we live in currently. He fought off countless of zombies. Delmira frowned, Becca on her lap, basically crying.

While Bob shook his head, "God damn traitors. Who the hell doesn't like Dan?"

"That's what I'm saying!" Phil exclaimed.

We all nodded in agreement. But I take a closer look at the British YouTuber.

The sparkle that used to be in his eye was gone too. Countless bags under his blue orbs and the smile on his face seemed to be long gone. It was hard to believe that Phillip Lester was now a  defeated man like we all were.

Adorable smol bean was now... Shattered. Like the rest of this world. It took away the good. It was like a domino effect. The world breaks then so does everyone else. I turned to Mark and noticed the expression of his face. Tired, lost, confused, and the worst of all, broken.

HEY SO I HAVE A SCHEDULE NOW. I UPDATE THIS EVERY FRIDAY. Got it? Good. How have you all been? I'm doing sort of better. Thank you everyone for voting and commenting. It really helped boost my inspiration. Dan and Phil play a very important part in this fanfic along with Delmira.

Is there more between Dan and Phil or is it really just friendship in here?

But wait, does anyone notice? Who didn't appear even once in this chapter?

Comment below. Thank you all for being so patient with me. <3

-Crazy bish

Reality (Septiplier Fanfic) (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن