Chapter Seven

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Marzia was standing in front of a mirror, brushing her now clean, knotty hair. A content smile spreading on her lips. I came up behind her and looked at my dirt covered face, surprised at the scar on my forehead from the table.

When would Mark be out of that shower? Damn. The door upstairs clicked. Well, speaking of the devil. He came downstairs, his black and orangish hair still soaked with water, along with his bare chest. The hell Mark?!

I turned away and squeezed my eyes shut. I heard the little snicker of Delmira from right next to me as if she thought my flushed face was funny. He must of noticed because I felt someone come up from behind me, "Why are you blushing Jackaroony?"

"I-I'm not... Just giving you your privacy," I lied, my voice cracking a bit, "Ye big doof."

His breath was suddenly on my neck, causing me to tense up a bit.

"You sure?" He whispered in my ear causing chills to go up my spine.

I go to walk upstairs but trip over something, "Y-yes, I'm sure--"

Then I quickly rush up the stairs and close the door. I sigh and look in the mirror at my red face before groaning. Why does he have to do that?

I hear through the door, "Dude, I know the two are from surgery, but what's with the scar on your chest?"

Mark's deep voice replies, "Jack accidentally stabbed me."

"Kinky," Delmira said back after getting her answer.

I switched on the shower, taking off my clothes and getting in.


When I returned, I saw everybody sitting in a circle, laughing. There was a new girl too. Long brown hair, grey eyes. She was really pretty, the stone colored orbs shone with happiness and hope. It was relieving. Hope was a rare thing to find in this world.

That's when I noticed she was holding hands with Delmira while sitting in her lap. Oh, I see. A mischievous smirk appeared on my face, "Who's the new girl?"

I sat next to Mark, who was now luckily wearing a T-shirt.

The girl answered, "Becca. I was a big fan of your channel before all of this happened. Its a pleasure to meet you!"

I smiled and nodded, "Belmira away, am I right?"

Delmira looked like she was going to kill me while Becca died of laughter. I looked at my new friend smugly. She shared the look back, "Why don't we play spin the bottle?"

My face turned white. No fucking way.

Felix did a fist pump, "Alright, alright, alright!"

Mark shrugged and agreed to the idea so pretty soon, there was a bottle in the middle of the circle. He spun first and it landed on our blonde haired friend. Fe looked up and laughed, "Pucker up, Sir Markiplier."

He pulled him by the red flannel and pecked the raven haired man's cheek before continuing, "My lips have touched your face, you are forever loyal to me, peasant."

My eye twitched for about a second before Felix spun the bottle. It landed on me. I sighed as he gave me a suggestive smirk.

"Alright, alright, alright! I'm getting all of my bitches."

Chuckling a bit, I leaned over and kissed him for less then a second. Oh shit. My turn. Stomach twirling while looking at the spinning bottle, I was hoping it didn't land on Mark. Yet, a part of me wanted it to land on him.

The bottle stopped.

My heart beat loudly in my chest as my eyes followed who it landed on. Cry. We both burst out laughing, the group looking confused. But we lean forward and he says, "I'm not kissing you man."

I managed to say I know after he kissed my cheek. The game went on for a while until it was finally Mark's turn again. He winked at me and spun the bottle. I watched it, eyes narrow as it started to slow towards me. Oh God. Then halts. Oh no.

He looks at me, shocked with red face. I feel I my cheeks start to heat up as he grabs both sides of my face. Instead of kiss on the lips, he plants one on my forehead.

"You wuss," I whisper to him.

"I know," He mumbles back and slides back over to his seat.

Delmira huffed with defeat as the game ended. Then she stated that there had to be a night duty before picking me and Becca to help. The little happiness, goofiness that lasted for an half an hour was now replaced with the reality. Vowing to hold on tight to this memory, I stood up and grabbed my weapons along with my jacket.

The night air was crisp as the snow fell from the sky. If it wasn't for this zombie apocalypse thing, I'd say it was beautiful. Just like the falling leaves before. It must at least be December by now, right?

"What day us it?" I ask Delmira.

"Christmas Eve..."

A darkness seemed to consume everything at that point. Christmas. Its been a long time. Do we really have to live with this pathetic shit forever? Won't the zombies eventually die out? I don't want this to last forever. It can't.

This was one of the silent break downs I've been having. My eyes stared forward, not an emotion in them until a screeching sound and the smell of rotting flesh came out of nowhere. For once since the beginning of this, I felt fear.

My gun raised as the dead women came charging at me. One shot, two shot. She wasn't down. By now, I was debating running. Delmira screamed at everyone to turn the lit house out and we were stuck in the darkness.

Ohshitohshitohshit. So, I climbed up high. Even more screams, screeches, and groans were heard in the distance.

A flash of fire went into the air before landing and hitting almost all of the zombies. I get pulled onto the ground by a stray one. Finally, my adrenaline kicks in. Scrambling onto my back, I aim my gun at it and scream, "Mother fucker!"

Then fire. The hoard was getting larger and larger each second. Kicking, shooting, stabbing. It seemed to be neverending. The only thing I noticed was the zombies were really scrawny and slow. Did they have no food?

"Becca! Get help!" Delmira yelled.

She nodded before running inside. I stabbed another zombie in the head, trying to understand what the hell is going on anymore. We're then all out there fighting off the huge pack of zombies.

After the last one was dead, I fell onto the ground, cursing and panting. The stench of sweat, blood, and rotting flesh contaminated the air causing Marzia to gag then throw up. Well, there's another smell to add.

Delmira dragged me onto my feet. pushing me to Mark. Of course, I run into his back and stumble back into the ground. It felt as if I just ran into a wall. My nose was also already hurting from the freezing wind that blew through my hair.

Now that my adrenaline has decreased, I feel the cold air, my heavy eyes, and pain. Ow. About now, my body was ready to give up. I hear the giggle from Mark as he looked at me, the little ball of tiredness. He helps me up as we all head inside, my mind traveling go the skinny zombies. Never before have I seen them like that... Wait, does that mean-

"We have to address the stalking problem. You know, the fact that someone is watching our every move and is keeping tabs on if we're alive, bitten, missing, or dead, our relationship statuses," Felix says, his head turning to Mark and I, "Even if they both know each other's feelings but won't get together."

Jeez. He just looked at us like we crushed his dreams that he endlessly worked for. Fe looked at the whole group again, "Anyone have any ideas why only the YouTubers are getting watched?"

"They like YouTube," I say simply, shrugging, "Can we go to bed now?"

"Sure, but two in each room. We don't have enough space for you each to have your own room. Except Cry, we need to talk to him."

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