Chapter Three

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"We had the old Mark back for a second, that's all. It reminded me of the better times... Back when he blew up Detroit and made endless dick jokes. I just miss it all and it feels nice to have it back for at least one second...

"But eventually, everything ends so... Mark, you're a bit crazy."

He shrugs.

"And," I continue, "We have to raid the other people that are living here."


"Jack I would say that's a good idea but," Bob trails off.

"I think its a wonderful plan-" Mark goes to add but is interrupted.

"You're crazy," Everyone says.

Poor Mark.

"Why do I have to be the crazy one?"

No one answers, continuing to strategize.


After a bunch of fighting, we figure out what we're doing. There will be three teams, one to distract, one to defend, and one to raid. Of course, Felix picked Marzia and Cry to be on the defense team. However, Mark and Wade fought over who's on who's team.

"I want Jack," Mark says pointing to me.

"You always get Jack. You know, he's our friend too!" Wade whined and fake cried.

Meanwhile I sat back and watched in amusement. Mark had a scowl on his face as Wade threw a little hissy fit over how his partner is always Bob. It wasn't actually serious though, it was more like a joke. Bob shook his head at the fighting grown men.

I watched the way Mark flung his arms around as he fought louder, completely missing what he was saying. His chocolate brown eyes met mine causing my heart to go bat-shit crazy. A smirk twitch on the corner of his mouth as if saying, "caught you looking". We seemed to be in our own world, the sounds completely drowned out.

In fact, now Wade was snapping his fingers in front of the ravens haired man. I really should admit my feelings towards this guy to myself and stop denying it.

"The reason why you can't be with Jack in this is because you'll get yourself killed. Face it, Mark" Bob continued, "When it comes to his safety, you're like a rabid animal who is secretly a fluffy bunny."

Were they aware that I am not an object and that I should have a choice? But yet, I don't want to be able to choose because I'll pick Mark. If I were, someone would thing I like him... Which I don't.


Ugh this is confusing.

Focking sexuality confusion.

"Fuck me," I accidentally groan aloud and quickly cover my mouth.

"Gladly," Mark chuckles jokingly(I think), raising his eyebrows suggestively.

I laugh awkwardly while the whole group is silent. Well this is pre-zombie-apocalypse normal...

"Anyway, Wade gets Jack," Felix states and Mark's eyes narrow, "They're on the raiding team.

Not another word was said as we gathered our stuff but Mark still kept close to me.

"Be careful. Stay out sight as best as you can. Please," The red and raven hair doof instructs, grabbing my shoulders, "Don't die. Also, look after Wade..."

"Fine. Momiplier," I crack a joke and smile a bit for once since this.

He smiled back, took one hand off my shoulder and kept it raised a bit before saying, "Don't ever change."

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