Chapter Four

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"Jack! Stay still!" Marzia scolds, brown eyes filling with frustration.

Right now, she and Ryan were trying to clean my scratches while Mark checked for any bites. There was a huge gash in my leg that was bleeding badly, probably needing stitches. The red and raven haired man nodded before going to talk to Marzia, who looked shocked and terrified.

That's never a good sign. Mark turned his head towards what the girl was looking at.

"Oh God!" My best friend gagged and walked away, fist covering his mouth.

"What is it?!" I ask in worry.

Felix walks over, eyes wide and screaming, "You can see his bone! Holy shit!"

"Felix!" Marzia yells, "You scared him half to death!"

My face was obviously pale. Suddenly the voices got more distant and the room swayed, black splotches surrounding my vision.

"What the hell is happening?!" A familiar voice questions in terror.

"He's fainting!"

"Jack, stay awake," A pair of chocolate brown eyes met mine, two hands cupping my face, "Sean!"

"No he's gonna need stitches! Its better this w-"

Darkness clouded my sight.

Felix's P.O.V

Holy fuck. Shit shit shit shit. That's a lot of blood. Shit fuck hoe.

Then I saw it, Markimoo's terrified expression as he forced our Irish friend to look at him in the eyes. He loves him... Its obvious. In some way, he does. I don't thinks its platonic either...

Sean eventually passed out, causing our friend to catch him.

"I think its best if you give him stitches now," I suggest, staring at the red liquid pouring from our friend's leg.

It was in a gigantic puddle and my brain tried to think of situations he could of possibility got that...

Mark, being the spazz he is, started to freak out. No one else but Wade noticed the way he kept forcing himself to move his hand from Jack's. The master Septiplier shipper and I shared a look. His gaze had more if a "I-know-secrets-you-don't" glow. I'll ask him later...Or now...Now is probably best.

"Wade," I speak up, "Come with me, I want to know what happened to Jack."

We go to a room where we can talk in silence.

"Well Jack jumped down from our tree and started fighting zom-" He starts to say before I interrupt him.

"No. I know that. But what do you know about Septiplier?"

A really bad mischievous grin appears on his face, "The last words he said to me before jumping down were," Insert terrible Irish accent, "'Wade, if I fockin' die here, I need you to tell him.'"

"Was that even Irish?"

He gives me a fed up look before throwing his arms in the air, "I tried!"

Then it clicked. Tell him... Tell Mark. Oh shit. After screaming, freaking out, and hitting the tall doof, I nodded my thanks at him before walking out. Turning to Marzia, I see pools of blood everywhere from Jack's leg and Mark looking like he might pass out.

I was feeling a bit woozy myself.

"He'll be just fine!" Cry sighs, "Chill..."

Everyone jumps (except Jack) when I spoke up, "I'm pretty sure zombies can smell that... Mark help me be lookout, since we're both about to die."

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