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A few weeks pass, and it's already easter holiday and both boys are ready to go home.

"Remember don't mention me to your father," Teddy said, packing a bag to take home for easter.

"Teddy. C'mere," Scorpius said standing up, and Teddy walked over to him and the blonde haired boy automatically wrapped his arms around Teddy's neck.

Scorpius is taller that Teddy so Teddy used this to an advantage by burrowing his head in Scorpius' neck and wrapping his arms around Scorpius' waist.

"Don't worry about this. My Dad can't tell me who I am allowed to be friends with. He told me his biological father, not Professor Snape, he used to tell him what to do and he hated it. When I was little he promised me that he would never be like that.

"He promised me he would always be proud of me. So don't worry about it okay? I won't say anything. Plus, your Dad's seem okay with it. Plus they said that Harry would come around eventually. So stop worrying okay?" Scorpius said into Teddy's hair.

Scorpius laid a small kiss on Teddy's cheek before pulling away. He then looked at Teddy dumbfounded.

"What is it?"Teddy asked confused.

"Ted, you, your hair?" Scorpius said and Teddy lifted his hand and ran it through it.

"What's wrong with it?" Teddy asked.

"It's blonde, like bleach blonde!" Scorpius said and Teddy's jaw dropped and he turned and walked over to the mirror they had hanging on their dorm room wall. And Scorpius was right it was bleach blonde, almost identical to his.

"Shit, it sometimes does that. If I'm too close to someone for too long it turns a different colour, I think I'll go pink instead of blue this time" Teddy said, standing in front of the mirror until Scorpius slipped up behind him and placed two hands on his waist.

Scorpius turned him around so he was pressed up against the wall and Scorpius but never took his hands off his waist.

"Don't, it looks hot," Scorpius said, moving one of his hands up and through his hair, messing it up slightly. Both boys just stared into each others eyes saying nothing.

Both boys found themselves moving forward until Scorpius could feel Teddy's breath against his lips. When their bedroom door flew open and both boys jumped apart, flustered and blushing majorly.

"Hey, guys we gotta move. Oh, Ted,I like your hair! But we need to move if we want to make the train" Axel said and both boys nodded silently and grabbed their bags.

"Let's go," Teddy said looking at Scorpius who just nodded and all 3 boys made their way down to the train.

The train journey was pretty quiet at the fact that both boys were embarrassed at what had happened in the dorm room. Neither found it wrong what had nearly happened, but they didn't want to ruin their friendship.

"Oi, Scorp," Teddy said, breaking Scorpius out off his daydream.

"Yeah?" he said looking up to find the compartment empty.

"We're here," he said, and with that, both boys stood up, grabbed their bags and walked off the train. Both boys stood and looked around before Scorpius spotted his Dad.

"There's my Dad, I better go," Scorpius said, and walked away, but before he got away Teddy grabbed his hand and pulled him in for a hug.

"But my Dad?" Scorpius said, trying to pull away.

"Fuck your Dad, fuck my godfather. Fuck, everyone. I want a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and that's what I'm going to get okay?" Teddy whispered into Scorpius' ear and with that he automatically relaxed into Teddy's arms.

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