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"Where did he go?" Draco said frantically, looking around for him. "He's away to get high, stupid, stupid boy," Sirius said putting his head in his hands.

"What's going on?" Severus asked having followed them down the garden away from the others.

"He's away to have a hit," Remus said and Severus automatically tensed up, "not again," he complained.

"Again? This has happened before?" Draco said, eyes wide.

"Struggles of having an addict in the family," Sirius said patting Draco on the shoulder.

"Right, the usual? Moony, go grab Ted and Scorp. Severus, go grab Ron, Blaise and Charlie. Give them some sobering potion and get them out at his regulars. Draco, go grab George, Fred and Bill tell them it's happening again and they will know what to do. I'll go and look at his usual spots, home, three broomsticks, knockturn etc." Sirius said and Remus quickly replied.

"I'll get the kids to go to ours, he might have gone home. Check there first," Remus said and Sirius nodded.

"I love you," Sirius said, giving Remus a quick kiss and apparating away. "Right, let's go," Severus said before walking away. Draco walked straight towards where Bill and Fleur were sitting.

"Hey Draco, what's up?" Bill said with a smile.

"Sirius told me to tell you it's happening again? Apparently you'll know what that means?" Draco said and instant worry came across Bill as he looked at Fleur.

"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry sweetheart. I need to-" Bill tried to explain. "I underzand, go help aree. I zill stay zere, make zure aree iz okay," Fleur said and Bill nodded placing a small kiss on her cheek before caressing her stomach lightly and walking over to Fred and Liam.

"Sorry mate, but it's Harry," Bill said and Fred showed the same expression Bill had, "okay. Li, I need to go. Go find Dean, you were talking to Dean earlier, right? Go find him and stay with him until I come back. I shouldn't be long, hopefully," Fred said and Liam nodded.

"Is there anything I can help with? Is Harry okay? I was talking to him earlier and he was hammered?" Liam said and Fred shook his head. "I'm sorry, for this you would really need-"

"magic, it's okay. I get it. Go save the world superman," Liam said with a small kiss on Fred's lips before walking in the direction of Dean. Both Draco and Bill looked at a very flushed Fred, "not a word" Fred threatened before Bill put his hands up in defence.

All three walked away as Draco and Bill looked at each other and laughed. Fred nodded his head towards George and he automatically came over. "Harry?" he asked and the two brothers nodded.

"How often does this happen?" Draco asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Not that often, but too often," Bill answered before George and Fred started shouting to get everyone's attention. "Okay, everyone, the party is over. The birthday boy isn't feeling so well, so time to go home," Fred shouted and everyone groaned.

"That's enough of that, come on of you go," George finished and everyone started breaking up. Fred, George, Bill and Draco walked over to Teddy and Scorpius.

"Again?" Teddy asked and Bill nodded. "You need to get all the kids back to Remus', you, Scorpius, Lily and Jamie all head back to your Dad's house. Grab your Aunt Hermione and tell her she can go too, as well as Auntie Pansy. Also, tell Vic to help you, but take your Auntie Fleur, she's pregnant and I don't want her on her own okay?" Bill said and Teddy nodded in agreement.

"What's the reason?" Teddy asked and Bill shrugged his shoulders.

"Just a sleepover, say were all away to the pub or something? Make it up, I doubt you'll have any problem doing that," George said and Teddy nodded and he and Scorpius started rounding everyone up.

Things Are Starting To Fall Into Place - DrarryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora