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"Honestly, are you ever going to grow up?" Teddy said, sitting down at the table.

"That depends? Do you want me to grow up?" Scorpius ask and Teddy looked at him.

"Never," He said and Scorpius grinned widely.

"Exactly," Scorpius said and Harry and Draco looked at each other knowingly.

--End Of Recap--

It has been around 6 weeks since Harry and Draco fell back in. They meet up every Wednesday afternoon for coffee and the often meet on the weekends so the children can get together.

"I would ask who you've dumped Scorpius off with today but he was at Remus' when I dropped the kids off," Harry said drinking his coffee while Draco scowled at him.

"I didn't dump him anywhere, I dropped him off at Remus' as that is where he asked to go," Draco said and Harry chuckled.

"You know your son is totally shagging Teddy?" Harry said and Draco choked on the coffee that he was drinking.

"My son is not shagging anyone, let alone Teddy. They are friends and my son isn't gay. I told him years ago that if he ever came out and said he was gay he could happily come and talk to me about it," Draco said and Harry smirked.

"If you believe that you're in more denial than I thought," Harry said and Draco rolled his eyes.

"Oh whatever, now what about you? Did you speak to Oliver?" Draco asked and Harry's eyes bulged out his head.

"You actually want me to tell you about my love life?" Harry asked eyebrows raised.

"Takes my mind off my pathetic excuse for one," Draco shrugged and Harry chuckled.

"Yeah I did speak to Oliver and we came to the conclusion we were better apart, and I agree," Harry said nonchalantly.

"You do?" Draco said surprised.

"No need to be so surprised you arse," Harry said and Draco smirked.

"Anyway, back to Teddy and Scorpius. Why exactly do you think they are shagging?" Draco asked and Harry smirked.

"It's pretty obvious, I mean the kisses on the cheek, the holding hands, they are constantly wanting to be together and do nothing but complain when they are apart. It's obviously they are more than friends," Harry said and Draco chuckled slightly.

"That doesn't mean they are shagging. Plus if Scorpius was gay he would have told me. I'm his Dad," Draco said and Harry looked at Draco for a few seconds before opening his mouth.

"When did you first tell your Dad you were gay?" Harry asked and Draco looked confused before answering, "me and Lucius didn't really have the same relationship me and Scorpius has. Don't you agree?" Draco said eyebrows raised.

"Fine, when did you first tell Severus you were gay?" Harry asked and Draco had to think, when did he tell Severus he was gay.

"To be honest, I never. That day he caught us I guess he just assumed," Draco explained and a blush spread over Harry's face at the memory.

"Point proven," he replied and Draco scowled.

"Anyway, should you not be at work? The last I heard you were an Auror? Yet you never seem to go to work," Draco asked and Harry shrugged.

"I quit," he said and Draco looked confused.

"Why?" he asked.

"About 3 years ago, I got injured really badly on a job and decided to go to a desk job. Couldn't leave my kids without no parents you know? But it just isn't for me. I'll move onto something else soon. What about you? Doctor Malfoy? The last I heard you were a healer at St Mungo's while getting your muggle doctorate?" Harry asked and Draco shrugged.

"Technically, it is Doctor Malfoy-," Draco said and Harry cut him off.

"Congratulations," he said smiling and Draco smiled back.

"Thanks, but being a healer wasn't for me. You are looking at Severus' replacement Potions Professor while he takes time off for the kid. He says the place is mines for as long as I want it," Draco said and Harry looked at him strangely.

"You're going home?" Harry said, and Draco looked t him.

"Well, yeah I suppose you could look at it like that," Draco shrugged.

"So am I," Harry said and Draco's eyebrows furrowed immediately.

"Severus approached me about 2 months ago and said he wanted me to go back and teach special classes. Patronus' to sixth and seventh years excreta. Not typically taught spells but stuff people should know. Also, Remus said that the first year defence class was mines if I wanted it" Harry said.

"Do you want it?" Draco asked and Harry nodded.

"Well, I'll see you at the start of the year Professor," Draco said, going to take some money out his wallet before Harry stopped him.

"Don't I've got it. But while you're still here can I talk to you about something real quick?" Harry asked and Draco nodded sitting back down and looking at Harry.

"Yeah sure what is it?" Draco asked.

"Well, my birthday is in the next few days and Molly is throwing me a dinner party such as thing. All the Weasleys, and their wives and children, Remus, Sirius, Severus and Narcissa and all that are coming. I was just wondering if you and Scorpius would like to come along too?" Harry asked and Draco looked at him.

"I mean you don't have to. If you don't want to just say no, I mean it can be quite overwhelming sometimes with all the kids," Harry said and Draco shook his head.

"No, no I would love to come! Thank you so much, it means a lot," Draco said and Harry smiled.

"No problem, it means a lot that you are going to come," Harry smiled widely.

"Eh, it's at The Burrow, at 3pm, on Sunday," Harry said and Draco nodded.

"Okay, that's great. I will see you then," Draco said and Harry smiled widely.

"Yeah, I will see you there. And Scorp off course," Harry said and Draco scowled.

"His name is Scorpius, if I wanted him to be called Scorp, I would have named him Scorp," Draco said.

"Shut up," Harry said, placing a light kiss on Draco's cheek making his freeze.

"3pm, Sunday. I'll see you then," Harry smiled widely before throwing a note down on the table and walking out of the little café and never looking back.

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