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"Was that meant to happen?" Stiles asked, heart racing and eyes wide. "No, definitely not. Everyone stop and don't move!" Sirius said and Remus started walking slowly towards Stiles and Harry. "Okay, Stiles I need to not to make any movements. Laura, everyone out of here that doesn't need to be!" Remus said as calmly as he could. 

Remus knew, that anyone that got that kind of reaction from simply picking up the wand was very very volatile. And slight movement could send the whole building up in flames - or worse. Everyone slowly piled out the room except Stiles, Harry, Remus, Sirius, Draco and Derek. 

"Stiles I'm going to get Derek to come over and stand beside you in case anything happens he can knock you out of the way okay?" Remus said and Stiles nodded very slightly and very slowly. Remus indicated towards Derek to walk forward. 

"Okay, Derek. Take the wand out of Stiles' hands very slowly and place it back on the pool table then get to the other side of the room," Remus indicated. Derek opened his hand and Stiles dropped the wand half a centimetre into it before stepping back, so he was pressed up against the wall. Derek placed the wand back onto the pool table before clambering Stiles into his arms and walking to the other side of the room. Derek never letting Stiles go the whole time. 

Remus, Sirius and Draco soon joined them and Harry grabbed his wand before walking over and sitting down on the couch in front of Derek and Stiles. "Okay, what just happened?" Stiles said shakily. 

"Well, I think it's obvious that you have some kind of magic within you. But I'm not sure why it reacted like that. It seems to be very powerful. Have you ever been told you are a wizard?" Remus asked but Stiles shook his head. "No, I was told I had a spark, but that was never magical or, it came to anything. I don't understand," Stiles said and Remus huffed. 

"Okay, I, I don't know what to do. We can't leave you like this but I don't know where to take you. What age are you again?" Remus asked. "I'm 23, what's going to happen to me?" Stiles said, his voice shaking. "I don't know kid. You should have been in this world for 12 years by now. I don't know what to do?" Remus said looking at Sirius for some kind of help.

 "Okay, I can't believe I'm going to suggest this but I think we should take him to Snape," Sirius said. "Yeah, yeah we should so that. Why did I not think of that," Remus said standing up. "Wait, Snape, what is that?" Derek said apprehensively. 

"Severus Snape, he was a potions master and professor at our old school. He's also my godfather. He will now what to do," Draco said nodding but Stiles and Derek still looked wary. "It needs to happen, don't worry about it, we will get this fixed Stiles. I promise you. Nothing will happen to you okay Stiles? Your magic seems to be really powerful that's what we're worried about. Why has it got this far and no one has realised?" Harry reassured.

"Okay, so how do we get to this Snap character, we can take my jeep if you want. Or Derek's Camaro," Stiles said and Remus laughed slightly. "Na kid, we're going to Britain." 


Remus had told Stiles to get a good night sleep and that they will start again in the morning. Remus, Sirius, Draco, Harry and the kids all stayed over at the loft after all the pack had gone home. Talia had stayed late asking questions about what was going to happen. Especially since two of her pack, one being her son were leaving with strangers the next morning to leave the country. 

Harry was sitting in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee when Stiles walking in, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Sorry, I hope you don't mind I helped myself," Harry said smiling indicating to the cup of coffee. "Don't worry about it. Couldn't sleep?" Stiles asked and Harry shook his head. "Worried about the kids. Leaving them with Luca and Ryan for a week has me apprehensive, to say the least," Harry said smirking slightly as Stiles sat down next to him with a cup of tea in his hands. 

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