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"What exactly are you doing here?" Harry asked Sirius and Remus who just sighed. "We came to get you, and he wanted to come with. Why did you come here in the first place?" Sirius asked and Harry shrugged.

"I told Remus I had to see Luca and he told me no. You know me, never one for rules," Harry said and Luca shook his head.

"You are always welcome here Harry you know that, but if wolfie told you no. There must be a pretty good reason for it," Luca said and Harry rolled his eyes.

"He nearly relapsed last night did he tell you that?" Sirius said and Luca and Ryan's mouths dropped open. "Harry you fucking idiot! Why?" Luca said punching Harry arm.

"Ow, you cunt!" Harry said grabbing his arm and rubbing it a little. "Why?" Luca demanded.

"Him," Harry complained pointing towards Draco whose mouth dropped open. "Me?" Draco said at the same time Ryan started ranting.

"Oh no, you don't you little cunt. Do not blame him. Who made the decision to take the drugs?" Ryan asked and Harry just rolled his eyes.

"Who?" Ryan asked more sternly. "Me," Harry huffed.

"There you go, therefore, it's your fault. What was it this time? Cocaine, crystal?" Ryan asked.

"Oi, I I have never taken crystal meth you know that that shit is horrible," Harry said and Ryan chuckled. "No, you just snort a line of cocaine every time you miss a certain blonde. Suck it up buttercup. Do I need to go on?" Ryan asked angrily.

"He's quite scary when he's angry," Remus said to Sirius who just laughed a little.

"Okay, Harry time to go home to start your relapse programme yet again. I'm sure the kids will be desperate to see you," Sirius said and Harry looked pleased. "I get to see them already? I don't usually get to see them for a few days, a week at the most?" Harry asked confused.

"Yeah, but you didn't actually take anything this time. We stopped you before you could. So Lily and Jamie get to see you tonight before going back to Sev's," Remus said and Harry looked confused.

"Why are they there?" Harry asked. "They were meant to be at Hermione and Ron's but Jamie wanted to stay with Teddy and off course he wanted to stay with Scorp so Lily went with them. It was easier that way," Sirius said and Harry nodded.

"Who the fuck is Scorp?" Luca asked and Draco smirked, "my son," he said and understanding came across his face.

"So why is Teddy with him then?" Luca asked confused.

"Because Teddy is shagging Scorpius," Harry said smirking and quickly all 3 men started protesting. "No, they aren't. They are just best friends," Draco protested.

"Yeah, best friends who are basically attached at the hip, sleep in the same bed. Scorpius kisses Teddy's cheek every day when tying his tie, the are constantly flirting, need I continue?" Harry asked and Ryan smirked.

"They are totally shagging," he said and Draco just shook his head scowling.

"No thy are not. Now can we please change the subject?" Draco complained and Remus quickly nodded his head.

"Right, are you going to come or what. If you want to see the kids it has to be now before they get settled," Remus said and Harry nodded. "Okay, let's go then," Harry said quickly jumping up from the bed.

"Hey, is there any chance we can tag along or come visit in the next few days. We haven't seen Jamie or Lily in ages. We could maybe take them out for the day tomorrow or in a few days. Let you all get some proper rest without having to worry about the kids?" Ryan asked hopefully.

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