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So basically, I had this chapter written edited and ready to go when my computer crashed and now won't turn on. Luckily wattpad had saved but my editing had deleted so I've had to edit this on my phone so if there are any mistakes I apologise.

  Harry's eyes fluttered open from his light sleep at the feeling of Draco moving around underneath him. His eyes flew open at the feeling of skin on skin as the memories from last night late adventures came rushing back to him.

"Regretting it?" Draco said in a voice that made Harry melt. "I could never regret sex with you," Harry smiled placing a chaste kiss on Draco's lips making him smile widely.

"What time is it?" Draco asked groaning and moving to stretch out in bed. Harry muttered the tempus charm. "Ugh, it's only the back of 7, no one will be awake for hours yet. Enough time for me to sneak back to my tent in a little while," Harry muttered while Draco nuzzled his head in the crook Harry's neck.

"What happened to not being my dirty little secret?" Draco asked and Harry pulled back. "I'm not your dirty little secret. We're just making some safety concerns before we tell everyone," Harry said and Draco smiled widely.

"Safety concerns?" Draco asked, "safety concerns," Harry confirmed before kissing Draco. "Hey, whatever happened to your lip piercing?" Draco asked fingering over the area the small ring used to sit.

"I took it out after the twins were born. Jamie kept pulling at it. I suppose it isn't exactly ideal to be a father to two twins with a lip piercing" Harry said and shrugged as he lay down properly side by side with Draco and their hands intertwined.

"Why not? You looked good you should put it back in," Draco said looking at him. "You think?" Harry asked and Draco nodded. "Definitely, how come you can't see the scar where it was?" Draco asked.

"I wear a glamour, to hide all my scars, except two," Harry said and Draco sat up on his knees leaning close to Harry. "Two? why just two?" Draco asked and Harry's hand reached up to his head.

"This one because if I didn't have it people would realise I wore a glamour and that would cause more trouble than good. And this one-" Harry said pulling back the cover to reveal the little crescent-shaped scar on his hip.

"Why do you not glamour this one?" Draco asked his hand tracing the scar lightly. "Because I got it saving you that night in the Room of Requirement and I never ever want to forget that because it's the one scar I don't mind having because it was this scar or your life," Harry said placing his hand over Draco's while he was still tracing the scar.

Draco looked up at Harry and they made eye contact before Draco whispered "I love you," and Harry sat up and cupped his cheek before kissing him thoroughly. "I love you too," Harry whispered back caught up in those grey eyes.

"Can I see them?" Draco asked and Harry looked at him strangely. "Can you see what?" Harry asked. "Your scars. All off them?" Draco said and Harry looked at him with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Why would you want to see my scars? They are ugly?" Harry asked with his eyebrows furrowed. "Harry James Potter, you are a beautiful human being, therefore your scars just make you even more beautiful!" Draco said meaningfully.

"Are you sure you want to see them?" Harry asked and Draco nodded, "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't!" Draco said bouncing a little on his knees and Harry nodded reaching over and grabbing his wand from his trouser pockets.

"I have to warn you before I do this, over the years I have gone and got a few muggle tattoo's to cover my scars but they are also hidden under the glamour," Harry said and Draco nodded. "It's okay, I get why you want to hide them because they are only for you," Draco said and Harry smiled.

"And whatever is mine is yours Draco," Harry said and with a wave off his want his glamour soon disappeared and Draco gasped at the sight off colour that littered Harry's body. "When you said a few, I never realised there was this much. Talk me through them?" Draco said and Harry's eyebrows furrowed.

"Why?" Harry asked and Draco smiled. "Humour me," he said and Harry nodded. Draco's hand reached to the top of Harry's head where his lightning bolt sat. "This was when a sadistic murderer called Tom Riddle tried to kill me yet my Mothers love for me saved me," Harry said and Draco smiled and kissed the scar. Draco hands travelled down to Harry's lips where there was a little dot scar but also a line of a scar through his lip. Draco's eyebrows furrowed and he looked at Harry, his eyes questioning.

"The dot is from my lip piercing, the line is from a fight I got into when I was high and the guy split my lip, I spent days with it open and I got an infection and by the time I got it healed it had gotten infected causing it to scar," Harry explained and Draco nodded then lay a kiss on Harry's lips before pulling away and doing the same again.

"Why did you kiss me twice?" Harry asked and Draco looked at him, "because there are two scars. I'm going to kiss every single scar on your body to show you that they are beautiful, they are just another part o you that I love," Draco said and Harry smiled widely before kissing Draco passionately. "uh, huh I don't think so, next one," Draco said picking up Harry's right arm looking at all the tiny little scars that littered all over his wrist, Draco's eyes flickered over to his other wrist to see the same on it as well.

"So, Har, what's the story?" Draco asked. "You're really going to make me say it?" Harry asked and Draco nodded.

"If you want the kiss you talk about it. I bet you haven't talked about it since it happened?" Draco said and Harry rolled his eyes. "Well, some lunatic kidnapped me and made me slice up my wrists on a daily basis because they are sadistic cunts," Harry grunted and Draco smiled and kissed over all of his scars on his wrists.

He was kissing the right arm when he saw a long scar going through most off the little white lines that he hadn't seen before. "Where is this from? This isn't one off those is it?" Draco asked and Harry shook his head.

"No, that is from fourth year, when Tom was reborn. He needed the bone of the father, which Tom took one off his fathers from the grave, flesh of the servant, which Pettigrew gave his hand and blood off the enemy. That's where I came in, he took my blood through that cut and added it which made him come back," Harry explained and Draco gasped before kissing the scar lovingly.

"It's over now, he is gone for good," Draco said and Harry smiled. That is when Draco saw a scar on the back off Harry's right hand a scar that he had never seen before, one that resembled words?

Draco picked up Harry's hand and looked at it, "I must not tell lies?" Draco asked and Harry sighed. "Umbitch, with her stupid blood quill," Harry said rolling his eyes. "Umbridge done this too you?" Draco asked still looking at the scar on the back off Harry's hand.

"Don't you even think about it, this is not your fault. You didn't know what she was doing to me during detentions," Harry said and Draco nodded before moving onto the next scar which was the snake bite on Harry's left arm.

"Nagini, when me, Hermione and Ron were looking for Horcruxes. Ron had left and it was just me and Hermione so we went to Godric's Hollow thinking there was one there, but there was just Nagini who attacks me, luckily Hermione had a potion to make sure I was okay," Harry explained and Draco nodded laying four kisses, one on each tooth mark. He flipped Harry's arm over to see a straight line scar and his eyebrows furrowed at that

"That was from second year, when I defeated the basilisk in the chamber of secrets to destroy one of Tom's Horcruxes an save Ginny. The basilisk managed to scratch me with one off its fangs but Fawkes, Dumbledores phoenix who saved me with his tears," Harry explained and Draco let out a laugh.

"You Harry Potter will never cease to amaze me," Draco said shaking his head but laying down a kiss on the scar anyway.

"Okay, onto tattoos, this," Draco said finger a small tattoo in black ink that read out 'JSP'. "That one goes with this one too," Harry said indicating to the small tattoo in the same area off his arm on the other side that said 'LNP'.

"They obviously stand for Jamie and Lily but I got them when I relapsed one time, to remind me if I ever went to relapse that I had my kids to worry about, that if I did it I would be letting them down," Harry explained and Draco nodded and pulled his finger down to the outline of Hogwarts tattoo he had on his wrist.

"Well, Hogwarts meant so much to me, I had the best years off my life there, so I had to get something to remind me off it, also it kinda covers the scars but it also reminds me that no matter what i went through to get those scars, Hogwarts was there to welcome me home and help me get through it," Harry said smiling and Draco nodded.

"I understand, and even if I didn't then it's your body, you can do what you like," Draco said smiling and Harry nodded. He put his hands over Draco's and pulled it up to his collarbone where is cursive writing 'I open at the close' was written along the bone.

"This is what Dumbledore wrote on my very first snitch I caught then left it for me once he died. It meant that I could only open the snitch when I was ready to die, so when I went down to the forest that night it opened, and it had the resurrection stone in it as you know. it reminds me that no matter what I go through, I can still stand back rethink things and restart it, I can reopen my life even at the very end" Harry explained and Draco smiled widely.

"I'm so proud off you," Draco said before kissing along the tattoo tickling Harry's collarbone. Draco pulled down to the three animals that safe on an angle at Harry's ribs. A werewolf chasing a stag chasing a dog.

"They represent my Dad, Sirius and Remus. Knowing no matter what they will always have my back. Literally," Harry said laughing and turned onto his side so Draco could see it properly. Draco was looking when a small black mark on the back off Harry's left shoulder Harry looked up at it and saw the two little letter that broke his heart.


His hand reached up and touched it when Harry's heart stopped when he realised what he had saw.

"Me?" Draco choked out and Harry turned around. "It's always been you," Harry said and wrapped his arms around Draco as a tear slipped out off his eye and fell down Harry's back. Draco pulled back and seen a tiny 'T' on his wrist.

"Teddy, I used to call him T but I kinda stopped as he got older. I'm not really sure why," Harry explained and Draco nodded. He looked down at Harrys thigh and seen the end off a tattoo peeking around from the back off Harry's right thigh. He looked at the back off it to see a lily sitting there.

"For my Mum you know," Harry said and Draco went down even further to his right shin which was covered in tattoo's. Draco looked at Harry for him to explain.

"Well, the elder wand that goes up the back off my shin, represents the elder wand that it protected me when it needed too. Then the fiendfire and the time turner that remind me off memories from Hogwarts as well," Harry explained and Draco nodded, not daring to speak because he thought he might cry at any minute.

Harry turned over on his front and let Draco read the same cursive writing as before but on the base off his spine this time. "Mischief managed?" Draco said and Harry nodded.

"From the-" "map, I know" Draco said and Harry nodded sitting up and pulling his legs up until Draco could see the small symbol off the deathly hallows sitting on the back off his foot right below his right ankle.

"Just to remind me that at one point in my life I was in control off all 3 deathly hallows. And I am still in control of 2," Harry said when Draco touched the tattoo. Harry quickly turned around and showed his very last tattoo, in the same place as the deathly hallows but on the opposite foot sat 'S&N'.

"Because your Mum and Severus have saved my life way to many times to count and I respect them way too much," Harry explained and Draco nodded before cuddling into Harry's side. They sat like that for about 20 minutes until harry broke the silence.

"I should probably head back before everyone wakes.," Harry said starting to move and Draco nodded, "yeah that's probably a good idea," Draco said while watching Harry put his glamour back in place and getting dressed.

"You know you shouldn't hide them, they are what makes you, you, and they are nothing to be ashamed off," Draco said an Harry thought for a minute before replying.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Harry said. He gave Draco a quick kiss before heading out off the tent thinking.

He was broken out off thought when a voice said, "well, well, well, walk off shame much."   

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