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"So there are purebloods, half-bloods and whats that called?" Stiles asked. "Muggle borns, they used to be called mud-bloods but it is now most commonly seen as a slur so it isn't used. It is meant to imply they have dirty blood and a lot of purebloods used to think that having pureblood, meaning your Mum and Dad are both wizards and so were their parents and so on. but that isn't true, it isn't the blood that makes the wizard it's their connection to their magic and how they let it control them or how they let themselves control it," Draco explained and Stiles nodded. 

"so, you mentioned that you and Harry were schoolmates? How did you work out that you were both wizards?" Stiles asked and Harry let out a chuckle. "We have schools for witches and wizards. So they can learn the craft with other people their age. They have them all over the world," Harry said shrugging while drinking a cup of coffee. 

"Oh wicked! Derek can we please go! pretty please!" Stiles shouted over to Derek where he was sitting with Remus and Sirius. "I don't quite think it works like that Stiles. Plus I doubt they would let you in," Derek said and Stiles rolled his eyes. "Tell me all about it!" Stiles prompted and Draco smiled widely. 

"Well, we went to Hogwarts, it is located at the top of Scotland, kinda in the middle of nowhere. There is a really small town nearby called Hogsmeade but other than that there isn't much around, when you first enter you would go into your first year at about 11, and stay there for 7 years. You have to get sorted. There are four houses to get sorted into and that will determine your classes, where you stay because it is boarding school so you stay there term time and come home at holidays," Draco explained and Stiles huffed loudly. 

"My Dad once threatened to send me to a boarding school, he was under the impression that it would help me behave better," Stile said shrugging his shoulders and Derek scoffed under his breath. "Why did you not go?" Harry prompted. 

"He was scared of what I would do. I think he was too scared I would terrorise the teachers and get kicked out," Stiles said with a fond smile playing across his lips. "Why doesn't that surprise me," Derek said from across the yard. "Rude, much," Stiles said and Derek rolled his eyes. 

"So, Hogwarts. Tell me everything!" Stiles said excitedly. "Well, the four houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. once you get sorted there is nothing changing that. And you will get sorted due to your characteristics. Gryffindor is bravery and loyalty, Hufflepuff is caring and kindness, Ravenclaw is wit and intelligence and Slytherin are ambition and cunningness.," Harry explained and Stiles nodded. 

"So, what house were you both in?" Stiles said and both boys looked at each other. Draco nodded and prompted Harry to go first. "I was Gryffindor, so we're both my parents," Harry said and Draco added, "I was Slytherin, as were my parents," Stiles just looked in confusion. 

"You were in different houses? How did you know each other then?" Stiles asked and Draco huffed. he stood up and looked at Harry with sad eyes. "that is a conversation for another day," Harry said as he watched Draco walk towards his tent before disappearing inside.  

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend," Stiles said looking truly sorry. "Don't worry about it, it is a very very long story," Harry said shaking his head. Just at that Teddy, Scorpius, Lily, Jamie, Luca and Ryan walked back into the clearance. 

"Dad!" Lily shouted running towards Harry. "Hey kiddo, did you have a good day with Ryan?" Harry asked and Lily nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! We built this massive sandcastle that was taller than my head then the sea came and washed it away but it was okay because we went swimming and saw lots of different fishes," Lily said trailing on when she saw Stiles looking at her with interest and a smile across his face. 

Lily buried her face into Harry's side while Jamie came strolling over. "Hey kiddo," Harry said smiling. "Stiles, this is my children Jamie and Lily. Kids, this is my new friend Stiles," Harry said prompting the kids to go introduce themselves. "Hello Mr Stiles," Jamie said putting his hand out for Stiles to shake which he happily did. 

"It's just Stiles. Cool board dude, do you skate?" Stiles asked Jamie eyeing up his skateboard. "I'm trying to learn. My uncle Luca is meant to be teaching me but he's not very good," Jamie said rolling his eyes just like his Father. "Oi, I heard that toerag!" Luca shouted from the other side of the clearance but Jamie just stuck his tongue out in retaliation. 

"I can teach you if you like? I love to skate, haven't done it since I left school but that wasn't that long ago," Stiles said and Jamie's eyes lit up. "Really?" He asked enthusiastically. "Yeah, of course. If it's alright with your Dad of course," Stiles said looking at Harry. "You don't have to do that," Harry said but Stiles just shook his head. 

"No way, I would be honoured. It would be great to get on a board again. Plus I love kids," Stiles said and Harry nodded his head. "Okay, but be careful Jamie, okay?" Harry warned and both kids, big and small nodded before heading over to the car park area which was basically empty except the van they had rented. 


A few hours later and it was starting to get dark and it would be getting time to starting to sort dinner soon. "Right Stiles, we better get going. The pack will all be at the loft by now," Derek said and Stiles rolled his eyes. 

"I don't know why you still call it a loft it's basically a mini mansion now we've basically bought the whole building and made it communal," Stiles said and Derek just squinted his eyes at him. 

"Do we have to go? I don't want to. Please let me stay," Stile whined and Derek rolled his eyes, "Stiles, you are not a kid. We need to go its pack night you know they will be getting worried we've been MIA all day," Derek said and Stiles actually whined, like out loud like a cat. "But I wanna stay here. The pack will never believe me about wizards, like never," Stiles said moaning. 

"Well, why don't you guys come for dinner. Unless you have any other plans?" Derek offered and Remus' eyes' widened. "No, honestly we couldn't impose like that," Remus said and Stiles shook his head. 

"You wouldn't honestly we've had an amazing day and it's only pizza night. And it's not as if it's the whole Hale pack, it's just Laura's pack and there is only going to be like a few people there. Please come, pretty pretty please!" Stiles said putting his lip. Remus looked at Sirius who just shrugged his shoulders and then furthered the look to Harry who looked at Draco and they both nodded.

 "Kids, do you want to go?" Harry asked Scorpius, Teddy, Lily and Jamie who all nodded enthusiastically. "Pretty please, Dad, Mr Stiles is well cool!" Jamie said and Harry huffed out a laugh. "Well, I suppose we can't argue with that. Only if you promise we aren't imposing," Harry said and Stiles laughed. 

"C'mon dude for the last time, no you're not imposing let's just go already! But wait I'll need to go grab my jeep before we go," Stiles said looking around for no indication of where they were. 

"Well, why don't I apparate Stile back to where we left from then walk to his jeep and he can drive him and I to the loft and Derek can take my seat and show Harry where to go?" Draco said and everyone nodded except Stiles and Derek. "Wait, apparate. What's that? Will it hurt him?" Derek said panicking. 

"Nope, watch this," Draco said and apparated from one side of the clearing to the other end. "Oh. My. God! I totally want to do that Stiles said in awe and Derek rolled his eyes. "I swear, if you roll them anymore they are going to fall out," Stiles sniped at Derek who just huffed. 

"Eh, I don't think it would be a good idea for me and Ry to come with you guys," Luca said and Stiles looked heartbroken. "Why not? Please come!" Stiles begged. "Werewolves and vampires have a tendency for not liking each other. We don't want to get in the way," Ryan said but Derek just shook his head. 

"Don't worry about it. We're a group of misfits. I'll call on the way and warn them all to be on their best behaviour. If you even feel the slightest bit uncomfortable you're free to leave at any point okay?" Derek said and Ryan and Luca looked at each other warily before nodding. 

"Okay, let's go. See you later babe," Stiles said pecking a quick kiss on Derek's lips before apparating away with Draco leaving Derek red faced.  

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