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"What the fuck are you doing up?" Harry replied and the voice chuckled a bit. "Vampires don't sleep remember," Luca answered and Harry rolled his eyes.

"So, you decided to sneak around and scare the shit out of me?" Harry said folding his arms over his chest challenging Luca.

"If you hadn't spent the night in someone else's tent I wouldn't have scared you," Luca said laughing.

"Don't start your pish, Luca, I know Ry would have told you anyway," Harry said rolling his eyes and Ryan looked at him confused.

"Ryan would have told me what?" Luca asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"You mean to tell me he never told you that me and Draco were going to give it another go?" Harry asked and Luca shook his head.

"I knew he was hiding something from me but no, he never told me, I promise," Luca said and Harry huffed out a breath.

"Well, now you know. Just try and keep it to yourself yeah? I'm heading to bed," Harry said and walked away.

"Wait, Harry. He never told me I promise you that. I won't tell anyone, you can trust me you know that? Right?" Luca said standing in front of Harry so he couldn't move.

"Yeah, look I really just want to head back to bed okay?" Harry said and Luca looked at him. "Are you going to tell the kids?" Luca asked raising both eyebrows.

"Tell them what exactly? That their Uncle Luca is a nosey interfering bastard?" Harry asked and cocked his head to the side looking at him. "Funny, you know what I'm asking," Luca said placing his arms over his torso.

"No, we've decided to keep it to ourselves for a little while just to make sure that we're going to do it right. I don't want to tell the kids and then things go tits up and we break up and must explain it to the kids. If things go well, we will tell them." Harry explained and Luca nodded.

"Okay, you might want to hide that if you really want to keep it a secret," Luca smirked poking at Harry's neck.

"Cunt," Harry whispered under his breath realising Draco had left a love bite on his neck.

"Some things never change, huh," Harry said doing a wandless non-verbal healing spell on his neck.

"Dad? Uncle Luca?" A small voice said from the other side of the campsite. "Hey, little man, what you doing up?" Luca said to Jamie who was walking towards where the two men were standing.

"I had a bad dream, Lil kicked me out the tent," Jamie explained and Luca bent down and picked the small boy up. Jamie may be 11 years old but he still looks about 7. He is just naturally small like Harry was at his age.

"Hey, why don't we go wake up Uncle Ry and kick him out the tent so you can get some more sleep huh? How does that sound?" Luca asked Jamie who was nuzzling into the neck of the vampire.

"I don't want him to be mad at me," Jamie whispered and Luca chuckled slightly.

"Don't worry little man, we're vampires we don't actually sleep. He won't mind. Let's go get you back to sleep huh?" Luca said stroking the little boy's cheeks. Jamie simply nodded slightly in response not awake enough to compose a sentence.

"Let's go get some sleep little man," Luca said rubbing his back and walked over towards the tent he and his boyfriend shared. Harry sat down in front of the fire realising he wasn't getting any more sleep tonight.

"Tempus" Harry muttered and the time popped up in front of him. '8:03am' the wizard clock read and Harry sighed loudly. Harry started muttering spells to start making a cup of coffee. He looked up to see Luca walking back towards him.

"Where's Ryan?" Harry asked and Luca sat down beside him.

"I woke him and told him to move so Jamie could sleep. His response was a grunt and opened his arms so he and Jamie are cuddled up in bed," Luca said and Harry chuckled and shook his head.

"I swear, for vampires not being able to sleep Ryan seems to do a hell of a lot of it," Harry said and Luca nodded. "Tell me about it, you going to make me a cup?" Luca said nodding towards the coffee and Harry started waving his hands around making Luca a cup of coffee.

"You know, you would be a great Dad," Harry said and looked up just in time to watch Luca's face fall. "Hmm, that's never going to happen though is it," Luca said and Harry sighed.

"There are other ways you know. Being gay doesn't have to stop you from having kids you know?" Harry said and Luca rolled his eyes.

"Yeah but being infertile kind of changes that though, doesn't it?" Luca snapped. "There are other options than biological relations to you and Ry," Harry said and Luca shook his head.

"Yeah but no one in their right mind is going to give a kid to two vampires for adoption, are they?" Luca snapped. He placed his coffee on the ground and ran his two hands over his face.

"Sorry for snapping it's just- the thought that I'm immortal, me and Ry are and we can't even help kids that we could. How many kids could me and Ry help? Like before we die completely. Just think about it. But because we're seen as these, these beasts we can't. They always see the infection, the condition before the person. The vampire before every human aspect of you. We spoke about kids you know, a while ago. Ry said he didn't want any. He said he doesn't think he could handle watching his kid growing old and die. How do you think it feels to kill your own kid-" Luca said choking over his own words.

"What do you mean? Kill your own kid?" Harry asked.

"Before- before I was turned I mean, I had a family. A wife, a kid. A little boy. My wife- Lena. We met got married, got a house together, and eventually had a child. A little boy. Sebastian, Seb. He was 6 when I was turned. I killed both my wife and my child when I awoke. My own flesh and blood and I killed him. 6 years old. He never got to grow old, he never got to do so many things. All because of me-" Luca said tearing up.

"Hey, that wasn't your fault. And that was so long ago Luca, you need to learn to forgive yourself and let it go. Stop being so hard on yourself. You and Ryan would make such a wonderful parents. I know that for a fact," Harry said smiling at Luca.

"Yeah maybe. Just not in this lifetime," Luca said finishing his coffee and standing up and walking away.

"Yeah? Don't be so sure of it," Harry whispered to himself smirking before heading to start to wake everyone up to start the day ahead...

Well, I actually updated for the first time in months. I would give you some sort of excuse but the truth is I just haven't been feeling it so I wasn't writing. I'll try nd get back to it but no promises hahaha, thanks for sticking by me:)

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