A/N & Questions Answered.

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Hey you guys! I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded recently, I have had the flu and been really unwell and haven't really had the chance to write, I wanted to explain a few things as well as update you on why I haven't be uploading, I've had the flu for about 2 weeks and I'm just starting to get better, but everything has kind off been a nightmare, while I have been unwell I'm still really busy with college and everything.

So I've had a lot on, also there is a lot of family situations that are happening which are making it harder to upload more frequently when I am able to. I'm hoping to get an update up for you guys either tomorrow (Friday) or Saturday at the latest, but don't hold me to that. Thank you for your ongoing support with this story!


So a few off you guys have messaged me questioning about Scorpius/Teddy/Lily/Jamie's ages and how it works so I decided to explain it for you guys!

Scorpius- Scorp was born on the 13th of September 1997, therefore, he is currently 15, in this book. This means he was conceived roughly around new year 1997, making Draco 16 when it happened. I know that's young, and Astoria would have only been about 15, but I know people that have had kids younger than that, and that's just the way it is going to have to have happened for it to work out.

Teddy, as you guys know was born in April 1998, but no specific date was ever said for Ted, so I just made one up. So in this story Teddy was born on the 21st April 1998, also making him 15.

Jamie and Lily, were born on the 1st of September 2001, I don't want to tell you guys to much specifics about this because more has to come in the story.

I'm not sure how this works, but in my story if you aren't 11 on the 1st of September, you do not go to Hogwarts.

Even if you were born on September 2nd, you have to wait until the next year, making Scorpius one off the oldest in his year.

But this will make Jamie and Lily the youngest in theirs. Just thought I would clear that up for you guys!

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