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"Honestly Teddy, you're 14, not 18! You shouldn't even know what sexual tension is!" Harry exclaimed.

"Trust me, there is enough of it in here to last a lifetime," Teddy said rolling his eyes.

"Honestly, you pair are going to be the death of me," Remus said, shaking his head, looking at Teddy and Harry.

--End Of Recap--

"Hey Teddy, why don't you and Scorpius go upstairs for a little while? Me and Mr Malfoy have a few things to discuss," Harry said to Teddy who just nodded their head.

"Yeah okay, can he stay for dinner, though? Remember Auntie Pansy and Uncle Blaise are bringing Lucy over tonight!" Teddy said and Harry looked at Draco.

"I don't know, I'm sure they have plans pal," Harry said and Scorpius quickly shook his head.

"No we don't do we Dad! I want to meet Lucy! it's not fair, you've met her and I haven't!" Scorpius exclaimed and Harry and Draco looked at each other laughing.

"As long as it's okay with Harry, you better ask," Draco said looking at Scorpius.

"Please, Mr Potter!" Scorpius said and Harry laughed at him.

"On one condition!" Harry bargained.

"What! Anything!" Teddy said quickly.

"You stop calling me Mr Potter, it makes me feel old!" Harry said laughing.

"You are old" Teddy shot back before making a quick exit out the door pulling Scorpius with him.

"Teddy you little-!" Harry shouted back before drawing a dirty look at Remus and Sirius.

"I hate your son!" he said shaking his head.

"Oi, don't blame us," Sirius said.

"He reminds me of someone," Draco said looking at Harry who quickly stuck his finger up at him.

"I could say the same for you" Harry shot back and Draco laughed.

"You know he named his owl Harry?" Draco said and Harry burst out laughing.

"Glad to see the unhealthy obsession with me passed through the generations," Harry said smirking.

"Arsehole," Draco shot back when the kitchen door opened to see a boxer clad Weasely standing at the door.

"Good afternoon sunshine," Harry said.

"More like goodnight," Hermione said and the Weasely just growled at her.

"Late night?" Harry asked.

"Coffee," was the only thing that came out the ginger's mouth. Harry lifted his cup and he took it out his hand before placing a small kiss on Harry's cheek before spinning around to walk away before Harry stopped him.

"Oi Charlie. I said you could stay here and I'm going to stick by that but can you and your guest try and be a bit quieter next time, thanks, mate," Harry said, Charlie just groaned in response and walked away.

"Oh, and Charlie! Put some clothes on please mate! I have guests, and even more coming later. When you let your friend out Teddy is upstairs with his friend, try and not bump into them yeah?" Harry asked and Charlie just nodded before retreating back upstairs.

"Harry you need to talk to him. The children are coming back to stay tonight you can't allow him to continue to behave like that!" Remus exclaimed and Harry shrugged his shoulders.

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