Its Him

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The bell rang. It was homeroom. Everybody has been whispering about a new kid coming. No one whispered to me. No one liked me. I didn't care. In fact, I liked it like that. I don't want to go into those drama girl's problems, nor do I want to join those idiotic boys who are extremely sexist.
The teacher came in. "Class!!" We all quieted down. "This is our new student, Ken Hollins." And then, my eyes widened, Disperance stepped out and smiled at everyone. "Everyone welcome him. Ken, you can go sit next to Sofia, over there." The teacher pointed to the seat next to me. Well there was only a seat there because no one wanted to sit next to me. I stifled down an eye roll. He sat down next to me as everyone began whispering.
"Hey, Sofia," he greeted. He held out his hand. I shook it reluctantly.
"What do you have next period?"
"Oh. Ok." He sounded disappointed "So. Do you like Star Wars?"
"Whose your favorite character? Mine is Luke."
"Oh. Cool."
I knew he was trying to get to know me, but I didn't want to get to know him. I tried to kill him after all.
"I can't stand this any longer," he said. "Why do I feel like you hate me?"
"Because she does!" Someone called out. I rolled my eyes.
"Because..." I thought quickly. "Because I'm not use to people wanting to get to know me."
"No one likes me here."
"I don't know. Maybe because I'm the smartest in the class?"
"You are? You don't look like you are." I glared at him. "I mean you just look more like the sporty type."
"I am. Or maybe they all hate me because I always beat them in every sport. And yes, I am the smartest in the class. You down have to look like a nerd to be the smartest."
"True. See, now we're actually having a real conversation!"
"I guess."
"Who else do you talk to?"
"My mom."
"Whose your mom?"
"Selina Kyle."
"Isn't she Catwoman?" I cursed silently, shouldn't have done that.
"But it's Selina Kyle!" The bell rang. Everybody began to crowd out the door.
"Well! Time for history! See you later." I said. I was about to stand up when he grabbed my hand. I looked at it, surprised.
"Can we sit together during lunch?" He asked, smiling hopefully.
I thought for a while. "You know, this will make you look bad. People will start to hate you."
"I know. And I don't care. So can we?"
"Ok! See you then!" He ran out the door to his next class. I did the same a few seconds later.

I hopped to Science. I couldn't get my mind off Sofia. When I first saw her, I knew instantly that I liked her. And when she said that nobody likes her, that surprised me. She's the most pretty girl I have ever seen. Those brown eyes were so dark that the almost looked like black. But she's keeping something from me. I can tell, because I have interrogated a lot of criminals and studied reactions. And she was keeping a secret. I quickly found a seat and sat down. I took out my notebooks and a pen.
I can't wait to see her during lunch!! I don't care if I look bad. And anyway, making a friend whose smart is good. I really like her.
"Ok, kids! Today, we are learning about biology! So there are textbooks in your desks, take them out!!! Quick! Quick! Quick!! We've only got 45 minutes together and we're already wasting time!!" I took out the textbook. It was old and tattered, most of the pages were ripped out. I looked around. Everyone else's were the same. The teacher didn't seem to care and began rambling on about canaries.
Lunch time finally came. I walked into the lunch room and saw Sofia sitting all by herself at her own table. She was eating a sandwich. I sat in front of her.
"Hey, Sofia," I said. I pulled out my lunch. We began talking. I listed everything in my head. She likes Harry Potter, Star Wars, Teen Wolf. Her father left her when she was young. Her average in school is a 91 and her favorite sport is European Team Handball. She hates boys who underestimates her and hates girls who get themselves into drama. We both finished our lunches.
"You have something over there," she said, she pointed at my face.
"Where?" I began wiping my face everywhere with a napkin. She laughed. Her laugh was nice. Like she hadn't laughed in ages. She took the napkin and wiped it off. Then she took out her homework and began doing it. I took out mine too. It was math.
"Hey," I called. "Can you help me?"
"Sure," she replied. She looked at my paper. "Oh, it's like this." She began showing me how to do it. We were almost done when the bell rang. We packed up our stuff. "See you later, Ken!" She waved.
I smiled and waved back. This was going well.
I got through the day without any problems. Then it was time to go back to homeroom. I walked through the hallway. Then I heard someone yell. I ran forward. It was some gang of girls yelling at Sofia. Sofia's face was annoyed. It was the I-can-care-less face. Sofia saw me and smiled while the girl kept on yelling at her. Sofia began walking to me. The girls trailed behind her, still yelling. Sofia just kept smiling and walking. When she was next to me I started to walk beside her. The girls were still yelling.
"What's going on?" I asked looking at the yelling girls.
"They think I stole their bottle of mascara," she answered without looking at me. The homeroom teacher came walking here.
"What is all this noise? You are yelling in the hallway!" The teacher said.
"She stole my mascara!!!" One girl called, pointing to Sofia. Sofia didn't say anything but rolled her eyes.
"Oh, please, Cloey. I don't even put mascara on, so why would I steal it?" Sofia asked.
"To get on my nerves," Coley retorted.
"I think it's the other way around. You're trying to get on my nerves by blaming everything you lost on me. It's your fault that you aren't responsible," Sofia reasoned. I can't believe she's so calm. "You blamed lost homework, folders, gym clothes and everything else on me. You know everyone is getting pretty tired of this blaming."
"Alright guys, go back to the classroom," the teacher ordered.
"But my mascara!!!" Cloey cried.
"If you can afford a designer back pack than you can afford a stupid stick of mascara!" Sofia snapped. We walked back to the classroom. I was smiling and laughing on the inside. This girl has got some nerve. I definitely liked her. But I wish she would just tell me what she's holding back. I really like her.
She's just like a cat.
She's cute, but viscous.
"Wanna go study at my house?" Ken asked. We were walking home.
"I would really want to, but I can't. My mom wants me to run an errand for her," I lied.
"Awwww," he whined. "I was gonna show you my house!! Please, please, please?!!!" His face was so hard to refuse to.
"Uhhh," I groaned. "Fine. Wait here, I need to make some calls." I pulled out my phone.
I walked over to the side.
"Manar? Yeah... I need to cancel this meeting. School work. We have a lot today. Fine, I'll come next week. Bye." I made a second call to my mom. "Mom? Hey. Disperance is at my school! Yes! He is! And now he wants me to study with him at his house! Yes, I want to go. Mom, I will be careful. Ok, love you, bye." I turned my phone off. I walked back to Ken. "I'm coming!"
"Yes!! It's not far. But it's huge! C'mon!" He yelled. He grabbed my hand and began pulling me. I don't know what to do. Now that he wants to be my friend and all. Why am I acting like this? Puberty? Hormones? But one thing's for sure. I still love him.
Sorry if this chapter was a bit boring. But it was worth it. You know stories. Bit by bit, and it'll be interesting.

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