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I woke up inside a room with metal walls and a metal door. A security camera was at a corner.
I was so angry. I have learned literally nothing and now I'm in jail. My mask and gear were gone. I felt my boot. And they took my rod!! I'm not even close to killing Batman.
But I need to concentrate. In escape. They took everything, but not my brain. So that means I can make a plan.
I looked around. If I kick the door open- that's not even possible. Or. I can get someone else to open the door for me. Yes.
But how? I need them to see me, well, not see me actually. That's the way they come! If they can't see me in my cell, then they would come running and check up on me, leaving the door wide open! And then I can sneak out!
But how am I gonna hide? I looked at the camera. There has to be a blind spot. The ceiling!!
I looked up at the ceiling. Lucky for me, there were these handle things up there, so I can use it to hang on up.
I should destroy the camera. I stood up. Then stepped back a little.
I ran to the camera. Then I jumped up and ripped the camera off. They should be coming.
I jumped up and hung onto one of the handles. I heaved my legs up and began climbing near the door. A guard slammed the door open. I quietly climbed out.
Then I kicked him in. I knocked him out, grabbed his keys and locked the door. I looked around, no more cameras. I ran out and then I passed some more cells. I saw one room with weapons. I unlocked it and went in. I didn't see any cameras in here. I went in and collected me gear.
I tied the keys around with a rubber band so they won't make any noise. Then I strapped them to my belt. I put my mask on. And looked around. I saw a guard turn this way. I quickly closed the door. He passed by. And when they were out of earshot, I went back out.
"So you're letting her go?" I asked, watching Sofia sneak out of the building on a tv.
"She's not going anywhere," Batman said. "She's going to be stopped when she reaches the gate."
"With what?" I asked.
"With us." He went out the door. The other superheroes followed him out, leaving me to watch.
I walked out the building. A huge opened space was before me. I saw a brick wall with a gate there. I walked to the field. When Captain Marvel jumped in front of me. I immediately flipped back. The Justice Leaguers all began to surround me. I got ready to fight.
But they didn't.
Batman walked up to me. "You have passed the test of stealth."
"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked.
"It means you didn't fail a test. We assigned to you a test to see how good you are. Now, for a second test. Combat skills." He nodded at Hawk Woman. "You will be fighting her. And she won't go easy on you."
"I know that," I hissed. Hawk Woman stepped in front of me, her eyes narrowed.
"Hello, Catgirl," she said.
"Hello, Hawk Woman."
"I am. But are you?" She lashed out. She tried to kick me but I flipped over her. I landed and put my hands on the ground and swung my legs. She jumped over and grabbed my ankle. She threw me into the air.
I flipped and landed on the ground safely.
"You're better than you look," she complimented. But her face showed no impressiveness.
"You're worse than you look," I replied. I swung my legs into a handstand as she tried to kick me again. I pushed myself off the ground and landed. She grabbed my wrist and twisted my arm to my back.
I ignored the pain and fell into a split. I threw her over me. She let go to recover her balance. I was about to trip her again when Batman stepped between us.
Batman looked at Hawk Woman. "How did she do?" He asked.
"She passed," She replied with no happiness in her voice. Well I can't blame her. I almost beat her twice.
"Congratulations, Sofia Kyle," Batman said turning to me.
"Thanks," I said with no politeness. "Any more of your stupid tests."
"Yes, but for today, you rest."
"And I don't suppose you're letting me go home."
"No. You will be staying with a team." He stepped back revealing a group of teenagers. "This is Nightwing, Miss Martian, Beast Boy, Wonder Girl, Robin, Blue Beetle, Impulse, Lagoon Boy, Aqualad, Impulse, Batgirl, Arsenal, Bumblebee, and Superboy. Disperance will also stay with you."
"A criminal stays with heroes," I observed. "It's unheard of, Bats."
"Which is why you will be in place where security is inescapable."
"Inescapable, huh. So, they will treat me like a prisoner, right? Have crappy meals, sleep on hay, wear chains all the time?"
"No. They will treat you like a teammate. You will have your own room. You will go on missions with them and be a teammate. And you will treat them with respect."
"How do you know you can trust me?"
"I don't. But after all the tests, I will know if I can trust you or not. You won't have your weapons. Only your mask and suit. Only on missions, will you be allowed to have them." He put his hand out.
"You want me to high five you? Never knew Batman liked high fives." His eyes narrowed. I rolled my eyes. I took off my belt and slapped it into his hands. "You know, just because I don't have any gear, doesn't mean I can't escape."
"We know that. And we know that you won't escape."
"Because you'll like it there."
"That doesn't make any sense."
"It will soon." I rolled my eyes. "Go meet your teammates." 
I stomped over. "Hi," I greeted bluntly.
"Hi!" Miss Martian replied cheerfully. "You can call me M'gann!"
"Hi... M'gann."
"What's your real name?!" She asked. Her smile was too wide for my taste.
I looked behind me at Batman. He nodded curtly. I sighed.
"It's Sofia. Sofia Kyle."
"Sofia Kyle, like Selina Kyle?" Nightwing asked.
"Yes. I am Catowman's daughter."
"Ohhh. Catgirl, Catwoman! Ha! I get it!" Impulse yelled. He zipped over and shook my hand. "Hi! I'm Impulse! And you're Catgirl! Of course we all know that! Ha! This is gonna be crash!!" He said it so fast that I had a hard time hearing. I looked at Nightwing.
"Does he always talk like this?" I asked.
He sighed. "You have no idea."
L'gann stepped forward. "Hi, chump."
"You seriously need to call me that?"
"I call everyone that."
"No wonder."
Blue Beetle waved at me. "Hello, ese!"
"Hello, idioto," I said.
"You know that means idiot right?" He asked uncertainly.
"Yes. I do. And hi to everyone else! My name is Selina Kyle and I am your prisoner!! So! Shackle me up and bring me to my wretched cell that's full of bay, mice and dirt!" I yelled. They all looked at me confused. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Can we just go?"
"Finally! I was thinking of going on Sphere to the Niagara Falls! Wanna come!" I heard Beast Boy ask Nightwing.
The team was alright. Well, actually, I kinda liked them. 
Yes I used the Young Justice characters. I just really like them. And if you don't know them, it's a show. A good one. So go borrow it on Netflix and watch it! Hope you liked this part!!!!

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