The Truth

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Valentine's Day. Lovely. Perfect. I LOVE Valentine's Day.
I HATE Valentine's Day.
There's so much kissing and touching and naked in bed thing involved. Ugh. Even thinking about it makes me feel queasy.
It was lunchtime. Boys giving out flowers, chocolate, kisses. Girls saying thank you, kissing, hugging. I ignored everyone around me, except for Ken, of course.
I laughed as he accidentally squirted ketchup onto his face. I don't know how, but he did. It was hilarious.
The day passed quickly, in a blink of an eye.
I was nervous. Very. I was so nervous that I actually got ketchup on my face!! Even I didn't know how I did that!! But I am NERVOUS!! We were walking to my house when I took a deep breath. "Sofia?" I asked. We stopped and she turned to me with those dark brown eyes.
"We've known each other for about several months. And when I first saw you, I really liked you. You stood out from the rest of the class. To me at least. And now that I know you pretty well, I just want to ask you something. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" And there it goes. The punch line.
She looked at me with big eyes.
"Ken..." She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "Sorry, teleboy. But I can't." Her voice was sympathetic and sad. She ran into the shadows.
I was shocked. No. No was her answer. Why? I walked back home. I was so sure that she liked me. So sure!! I was thinking about how this would go so well. But now it all went wrong! I went inside the house. I threw my stuff down and dumped myself on the bed.
I couldn't help but review the whole scene in my head.
"We've known each other for about several months. And when I first saw you, I really liked you. You stood out from the rest of the class. To me at least. And now that I know you pretty well, I just want to ask you something. Would you like to be my girlfriend?"
Then she had kissed me.
"Sorry, teleboy. But I can't."
I shot up. Teleboy. That was what Catgirl had called me!! It can't be a coincidence. But I can't believe it either. Sofia can't be Catgirl. But it all fits together. Her gun, managing to fight the werewolf for a while and trying to avoid me in the beginning of school!! Then I realized that there have been no more reports of crimes in Catgirl. She either stopped, or does it secretly.
But all I need to do is find her. She might be at her house.
I was crying in the alleyway. Well I was trying not to cry, but it made me cry more. I cried and cried so hard. I heard footsteps. I peeked through my arms. It was mom. This was my crying spot, so she knew. She sat down next to me.
"Hey, kitten. So what's the problem now?" She asked.
"Ken asked me to be his girlfriend. I said no."
"Because! I tried to kill him! And soon, he'll find out!! I can't let that happen!" I sobbed. I took several deep breaths and wiped tears from my face. I took another deep breath. "Sometimes I get confused if I'm Catgirl or Sofia Kyle. Sometimes it's so hard to react the right way to different people. Like sometimes I talk to Manar in the Sofia Kyle way and talk to Ken in the Catgirl way. I'm just a normal girl and a criminal. What am I?!"
"Do you know what Sofia means?" I shook my head. "It means wisdom. I named you that because I knew you would have the wisdom to do what is right. You have the wisdom to react correctly to different people."
"So you named me Sofia because you knew I would be smart?"
"Yes, kitten. You remind me so much of your father. He had two faces too. One was his Batman face. Dark, quiet, almost evil. His other one was his business face. Calm, quiet and formal. You have the talent of maintaining the two faces like your father. That is the main reason why I'm proud of you."
"Why did you train me to be Catgirl?"
"Because this world is changing so fast. More and more danger rises. And I gave you combat to protect yourself."
"Mom, why did you let me become a criminal?"
"It was your choice. Your path. I let you follow it. You got that jean from me. You like a good challenge." I smiled. "Now come home. Be Catgirl, be Sofia Kyle. I don't care. As long as you know that I'm proud of you." She stood up and held up her hand. "C'mon, kitten. Let's go home." I took her hand and she hauled me up. We started walking home. "Oh, and Manar called. You need to meet him at his place."
I nodded. "Thanks, mom."
"No problem, anytime." We reached home. She was about to unlock the door when she paused and smiled. "Wanna go through the window? Like old times?" I grinned.
"Beat you to the top!" I ran to the side of the house.
"No you don't!! Remember you're the kitten and I'm the cat!!" She called running after me. I climbed to the roof, but mom was already there waiting. I glared at her, but I was smiling. She let me go in first. I jumped in. We high fived and she went down to let me change.
I was about to go to the closet when I saw something unusual. The closet door was opened. I always close it when I leave. Nothing was taken. I took off one of the planks. My gear was still there. I had a feeling that Ken had been here. It doesn't matter now. I quickly got ready.
I slipped on my mask. Time to go. "Bye mom!!!" I called.
"Bye!!!" She yelled back.
I climbed back out through the window. I didn't want to take the long way so I took the shortcut.
I walked through the alleyway and jumped on top of the long, thick, gray, stone wall.
I heard a small sound behind me and quickly ducked as someone threw a punch at me. I looked up.
It was Ken.
This was our first real fight.

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