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A month has passed. Ken and I have been getting closer and closer together. Then one day, he told me something that I thought he would never tell me. It was an accident though.
He was reading a book after school. We were at his house. His face was buried in the book. I looked at the title, Werewolves: the Howlers at Night. I stared at him curiously. He never really reads fantasy books.
"Uh, Ken?" I called.
"Yeah?" He answered, obviously still into his book.
"Why are you reading that? Aren't you more of a history person?"
"Yeah but I have to."
"Because my family spotted one and they want me to stop it." He has no idea what's coming out of his mouth, does he. That's when he realized his mistake. He put his book down and sighed.
I scoffed. "You? Stop a werewolf? Please! First of all, how are you going to stop a werewolf? Second of all, you don't even know a werewolf's weakness. And third of all, werewolves aren't even real."
"They are real."
"Prove it!"
"Look." He brought out some pictures. "These are the pictures of it." Each shot had a werewolf on it. It's red eyes and long fangs. The pictures seemed to make the room cold. "See? It's real."
"You know, maybe your family is trying to trick you. I mean, it is almost Halloween."
"Yeah but..." I could tell he was out of excuses.
"What? Tell me."
"... Ok fine!!! But don't tell anyone!!!"
"I'm not just a regular boy. I'm a superhero. I'm Disperance, you know, because I can disappear easily and reappear. And they sent me to catch the werewolf because I can easily escape its clutches."
"I'm not surprised."
"Wait. You knew?!"
"You make it a bit obvious. Remember the time when we were walking? You accidentally teleported a few feet forward and when I asked you about it, you just said it was my eyes playing with me."
"Wait, I make it that obvious?! That's not good!"
"Don't worry, you don't make it that obvious!"
"But I still don't believe that werewolves are real! The howling at the full moon and half man, half wolf is just crap!"
"Come with me and I'll show you."
I would have immediately said yes. But I still needed to hide the fact that I'm Catgirl. "Is it safe?"
"Yeah! With me around, you'll be perfectly safe."
I snorted. "You make it sound as if you're bragging."
"Well, I kinda am."
I looked at my watch. "I need to go. My mom wants me back before 5." I gathered my stuff. "When do you want me here?"
"Um. Maybe 7."
"Ok. See you then, Ken!" I waved and walked done to the front door and opened it. I ran onto my bike and sped down to my house. Me and Ken live surprisingly close.
I pulled out my keys as I walked to the front door. I unlocked it and went inside. "Hey, mom!" I called as I closed the door and took off my shoes.
"Hey, kitten!" My mom replied from the kitchen. "Finish all your homework with Ken, I presume. You go to his house very day. Something you wanna tell me?"
"Mom!" I groaned. "We aren't dating! And guess what! He told me that he's Disperance. He wants me to go help him catch a werewolf!"
"Really?! When?"
"At 7!" I ran up to my room.
"Ok. And Manar called. You haven't gone back to his office in over a month! Has something been going on? Does this have to do with Ken?"
"Mom. Just leave it to me, ok?"
"Alright, kitten. Oh, and bring a gun with you when you go, ok?"
"Fine, mom."
I looked at the computer. I wasn't looking at werewolves anymore. Instead, I was looking at Catgirl. Who was she? The thing is, I feel like she's near me. Could it be one of the Justice Leaguers? Maybe one of them is a spy. I could talk to Batman.
My mind averted to the werewolf. Who is the werewolf? Did I make a mistake in bringing Sofia along? I hope not. I looked at the time. It was 6. One more hour. I was nervous. I faced plenty of monsters. But this. This was different. I lied onto my bed and wished Sofia was here. We would play soccer in my backyard or something.
I really wanted her here. I wish she could stay with me forever. Maybe I should ask her out!!! Yeah!! Nah. It's too early. I should give her time. Give myself time too! I don't even know if I have the guts to ask her. I rolled over. It was 6:55. I should get ready. I sat up. I don't really need to change into my Disperance suit. I'll just wear a jacket and go. I shoved on some boots and pulled on a jacket. I ran to the door as the doorbell rang.
I opened it. And there was Sofia. "Ready?" I asked.
"Sure." She replied rolling her eyes. She always says "sure".
"Where are we going?"
"To the woods."
"Typical. Which woods?"
"You'll see. You wanna borrow a bike?"
"Sure." We walked to the garage and pulled out two bikes. We rode to the woods.
We left our bikes at the edge and quietly walked through the trees. I looked around carefully. The full moon was up tonight. That means the werewolf will be howling.
We walked into a clearing. That's when we heard it. The howl. I looked at Sofia with a triumphant smile. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "That could just be a regular wolf, you know," she said. Her hand was on her back like she was hiding something. What was she hiding? Then we heard rustling in the trees and a faint growling. I squinted my eyes to see through the darkness. Where are you?
It growled. Then it jumped out of nowhere with amazing speed. It had black fur, red eyes and long fangs. It was even more terrifying in real life then in the pictures.
I quickly pulled Sofia into a hug and we teleported a few feet away. I let her go as she breathed hard.
"That... was... crazy! In a good way," she said smiling. Her smile vanished when the werewolf turned around and growled.
"Now do you believe me?" I asked.
"Good- here it comes again!" I pulled her to the side as the werewolf tried to pounce on us. I teleported her into the woods. "Stay here. If it comes, run! I'll come back. Don't worry!" She didn't have to worry. I did.
"Wait, Ken!" She whispered.
"Be careful!"
"I got this, don't worry! Experienced superhero remember?" The werewolf howled. "Gotta go!! See you!!"
I quickly teleported back. The wolf was angry. It pounced at me. I jumped back. It swiped and its claws missed by a millimeter. My heart was thumping so quickly that my legs felt like jelly. The werewolf howled again. I stepped back as its snout turned to the sky. It stopped and stood there for a minute, as if to listen for an answer. Then another howl pierced my ears. The creature snarled. Then it's red eyes turned to me. It bared its fangs and lunged at me. I sweeper to the side and climbed onto his back. I was about to teleport onto a cliff side when he flipped me over. I hit the grass with a groan. Then it bared its fangs over me. I closed my eyes, trying to steady my heart. Your powers won't work if your heart is beating too fast, I reminded myself. I felt my heart beat slow. Then I teleported behind it. The werewolf saw it coming and immediately swiped its claws into my stomach. I cried out and fell to the floor.
I heard the scream and my heart froze. I took a deep breath. I took out my gun and began creeping toward them.
I stood there spying in the trees. The werewolf was standing in above Ken. I could tell he was about to bite into him. It leaned to his neck.
"No!" I yelled. I threw my arms up and pulled the trigger. The shot hit its shoulder. It looked at it. Die. Die. Die. Die. Just die already!!!!
But it just took the bullet out and the wound healed. My eyes widened. It fixed its beady red eyes on me. I backed away.
Then it went on all fours and ran toward me. I quickly sprinted away. I shoved the gun in the rim of my pants. I looked behind me. I gasped it was really close. I looked up. A branch was just in reach. Then I looked down. A stone wall stood in front of me. I jumped up at the last second and grabbed the branch, holding myself up. The werewolf slammed into the wall so hard that the stone broke. It fell onto the ground, dazed. I jumped down and ran back to Ken. I found him lying onto the ground groaning. Blood was stained the glass around him. His shirt was ripped and exactly three claw marks were scratched onto his skin. I winced at the wound. I sat down next to him. I took my jacket off. The wind blew and the chill went through my sweater. I shivered. I pushed his shirt up. Then I wrapped the coat around the scratches. He yelped. I patted him. Then I heard the rustling again. I stood up and raised my gun. My hands were bloody from Ken's wound. My hands were also shaking. You're Catgirl!! You're supposed to be a strong, cunning girl!! The werewolf staggered out from the trees and into the clearing. It was still hurt from the hit, it swayed. My finger shakily hovered over the trigger.
The creature shook his head and bared its fangs. It ran toward me. I pulled the trigger. Three shots rang out. The werewolf staggers back and whimpered. The bullets fell out as it healed. It sprinted again to me so fast that I had no time to react. It tackled me down. It bared its fangs at me.
Time to be Catgirl.
I shoved my knee into its stomach. It fell back. I jumped up and kicked its ribs. It growled at me.
Then I heard a voice behind me yell, "Hey girl! Get down!!" I ducked and an arrow whizzed above me. It pierced the animal's stomach. It's wails were unforgettable. I looked at the archer. It was a man. Green Arrow.
"Hey, kid. Whatcha doing out here alone?" He asked helping me up. The blood on my hands stained his green gloves.
"Oh, sorry," I apologized.
"No worries, kid," he assured. "What's with him?" He was looking at Ken. I ran over to him. I took off my jacket. The scratches were getting infected. We needed help. "That's one hell of a scratch, kid! Who did that?"
"Don't you mean what? That gave him this," I answered nodding to the werewolf. "And how come your arrows can kill the thing but my bullets can't?"
"These are different arrows."
"Oh. Can you help me get help for Ken?"
"Ken, eh? Well, I guess I'll call an ambulance for Kenny."
"Whatever." He whipped out a phone and dialed the number. I looked at Ken again. He opened his eyes and groaned.
"Rise and shine, Ken," I said.
"Hey, Sofia," he groaned. He tried to sit up.
"Hey, don't get up. The ambulance is coming."
"Wait did I get scratched or bitten?"
"So that means I'm a werewolf now right?" I knew he was joking. I chuckled.
"You're such a knucklehead. Go to sleep."
"Fine, mom." But he closed his eyes and fell asleep.
Green Arrow pocketed his phone. "The ambulance is coming, kid. What's your name?"
"Sofia what?"
"Sofia Kyle."
"Sofia Kyle, huh. Well, happen to be related to Selina Kyle?"
I cursed. Why do I always make that mistake? "Not at all."
"It can't be a coincidence."
"But it is. Sorry, but my mom wants me home before midnight and it's already 11:30. Got to run. You'll take care of him right?"
"No worries, kid. He'll be fine."
"Ok, uh, nice meeting you." Then I ran into the woods.
I opened my eyes to see a white ceiling. I was in a bed. I felt bandages on my stomach. I tried to sit up, but pain shot through me. I fell back down.
"Hey, Kenny. No need to get up," I heard a voice.
I looked. It was Green Arrow. That superhero that's always on tv. "Where's Sofia?" I asked. "Is she ok? She's home right? Is she hurt?"
"Whoa, Kenny. She's fine. She's at her home safe and sound." I made a relieved sigh. She's safe.
"How about the werewolf?" I asked again.
"Oh, that. When I came, Sofie was fighting it. She had a gun. She's bold, for her anyway."
"Wait, she was fighting it and had a gun?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Nothing. Just wondering." What in the world was going on? Fighting a werewolf and has a gun? That's just unusual.

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