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I did a back handspring and landed perfectly a few feet back. There he was. Ken. Staring at me with angry eyes. He ran forward and tried to kick me. I ducked easily and stood up behind him. I didn't attack. I stayed defense. Not offense.
He teleported behind me and tried to punch me. I saw it coming and ducked again.
"Why?!!" He yelled.
"Why what?" I replied.
"Why are you Catgirl? Why are you a traitor?!"
"I am Catgirl because I want to be. And I was never a traitor. You came into my school and wanted to become friends with me. You asked me to be your girlfriend. It wasn't me. It was all you."
He walked up to me. I didn't back away. "So you're a two face, huh? Sofia Kyle and Catgirl. Wow. Just like Batman. You know what I've noticed?You had always lied to me from the beginning I met you. Your mom, the gun, you were the one that made me sick!!!"
"It was for your own good," I replied. "You should be glad that I didn't kill you. Manar sent me to kill you."
"You're working with Manar?!!" He yelled.
"Not exactly. He hires me from time to time. But yes I'm working with him."
His eyes were so angry that I thought they would shoot out lasers. He lunged at me. I ducked and ran forward. I grabbed his leg and threw it behind me, causing him the flip forward. He quickly teleported before he landed on the ground. He appeared above me, in the air. I quickly jumped to the side as he smashed his feet into the top of the wall.
I had some of the advantage because I'm an expert at fighting on top of skinny things.
I wish she would just yell, scream, fight!! But she doesn't. She's as calm as a cloud. Her face is emotionless. Only her eyes show emotion. Her eyes had some kind of sadness in them. I haven't noticed it before but her eyes showed experience. Like she had seen death so many times that it became like eating food.
I glared at her.
"Why are you here?" She asked. "I thought you wouldn't want to see my face." I tried not to start crying.
"You're a wanted criminal. And I came here to arrest you," I growled.
"That's gonna be hard," she replied. Then as fast as a cat, she flipped farther back and began running across the top of the wall. I began running after her. But I was slow. I wasn't trained to run on skinny things. I began teleporting forward. I teleported in front of her, but she just flipped over me and kept running.
I cursed silently. I kept on teleporting in front of her but she just kept flipping over. I need another tactic. If I could just get her onto the ground.
The wall has to end at some point. So she had to be on the ground.
The wall was about to end! But I knew she won't give up that easily.
The wall was ending. As I came to the end, I jumped sideways onto a house roof. I used the tiles for balance and friction. I ran across and jumped to the next one. And kept on running. Then Ken appeared next to me, not in front of me. He held out his foot, tripping me. I managed to flip in the air and land on the ground on two feet. I was about to run when he appeared in front of me and tried to punch me. I quickly slid to the floor and the blow missed my a millimeter. I rolled and stood up. I quickly began running again.
As I ran and dodged his punches, I was thinking. How should I get to Batman? Should I get captured? Cause so much trouble that it'll attract the Justice League's attention? Then I realized that this was a perfect time to get captured and do exactly that.
But I can't make it suspicious.
I saw a garbage bag. I kicked it up into the air and kicked it at Ken. Just like I knew he would, he teleported away.
I turned back around and began running again. He teleported in front of me. I made a fake surprised look.
He twisted me around and handcuffed me.
Then he pulled out a shot and pushed the needle into my neck. Drowsiness was instant. I closed me eyes and fell into a deep sleep.
I teleported to a small warehouse where the Birds of Light use to keep prisoners. I tied her to a wooden pole. I took away her weapons. Bombs, guns, and other stuff. I also saw a band in her with a red button. I didn't know what that was, but I took it anyway. I kept her mask on. Then I called Boss.
She came a few minutes later and inspected Sofia. She lifted her mask off. "She's quite beautiful for a criminal." Boss said with a sigh. "We should call the Justice League."
"She hasn't even caused any trouble yet. Maybe we shouldn't," I said.
"Ok. But take this." She threw me a small handle with a button on top. I caught it. "If she tries to break free, then press that button. That will alert the Leaguers and they will arrive here."
Then she left. But before she went, she turned around. "Be careful, Ken."
"Don't worry, Boss. I got it."
"You say that every time and something always goes wrong."
"Boss, I know. I'll be careful."
"Ok. Bye, Ken."
"Bye, Boss."
She went out the broken down door. I was left with Sofia.
She should be up by now.  She opened her eyes. And she sat up. Her eyes were still half- closed with drowsiness.
"Hello, Catgirl," I greeted coldly. I wasn't looking at her, I was looking out the window. It was dark outside.
"Hello, Disperance," she replied back in the same cold way as me.
I kept my temper down. "Why did you become a criminal?"
"Why did you become a superhero?"
I sighed angrily. "I became a superhero because of my powers. I wanted to use my powers for good. So, why did you become a criminal?"
"I became a criminal because of the thrill. I wanted to let my anger out on someone. So, where are we?"
My eyes narrowed even more. She was just copying the way I talked, just with different words.
I needed to calm myself. She was just trying to get me annoyed.
"So. I bet you say to yourself that you can't believe Catgirl is me."
"No. I can believe that. I just can't believe I still love you."

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