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"What in the whole wide world are we gonna do!!!!" Ken yelled.
I put my hand on his shoulder. "It's alright. We should go get them. Send in a small squad or something," I suggested.
"Agreed," Nightwing replied. "Sending in Robin, Impulse, Blue Beetle, Disperance and Bumblebee. You will be Alpha. The rest of us will stay here for backup. Robin, you're in charge. Everyone suit up, including the back up. Go!"
I tired to calm my thumping heart as I ran to my room. I needed to stay calm. Somehow, I'll get through this without them knowing. I quickly changed and slipped my mask on. I ran out to Nightwing. He threw me my belt. I caught it and strapped it on. The Alpha squad came out. I ran over and hugged Ken.
"Be careful," I whispered.
"Hey, I got this, experience superhero, remember?" He assured with a grin. I smiled weakly.
"You said the same exact thing last time when we were fighting the werewolf. You you almost got killed. Don't jinx it."
"Don't worry, Sofia. I'll be fine," he said. But I could hear the tension in his voice.
"Just... Just promise you won't die, ok?"
"Ok. I promise." He kissed me. Then he went into the bio- ship and he was gone.
I felt my heart beating rapidly. We landed on the ground. Robin pressed a button on his wrist and a holographic map came out.
"This way," he instructed and we followed him out. We maneuvered all the way to a building. We sneaked inside. It was a museum. Displays were everywhere. We followed him to a staircase. We all ran down.
We stopped running and went through the door at the fourth floor. He stopped for a second to check. Then we ran through the hallways.
We reached a metal door. He signaled us to stop. He slammed the door open, with his bombs at hand. We followed his action.
But there was no one. It was a dark, quiet room. Then Robin put his finger on his radio on his ear. "Robin to Cave," he called. "Nothing here.... Ok." He turned back to us. "Nightwing wants us to keep looking. We began looking around.
Then the metal door slammed shut. The lights turned on. "Nightwing to Alpha squad!" Nightwing yelled in our radios. "What is going on?"
Guards began to pile in. I saw Manar step in a smile. "We- we're surrounded!" Robin reported frantically. "Should we attack or surrender?" There was silence at the other end.
"Surrender. Don't do anything stupid. We're coming."
"What!" I yelled. "No! Don't come-" the radio crackled. I looked up. Manar had a remote control in his hand. He shook it in our faces.
"This blocks all signal," he said. "And why not have more people here? It'll make the party more fun!!"
I watched the screen in horror. I slapped on my mask. I began to run to my motorcycle. But Nightwing grabbed me.
"Where are you going?" He asked sternly.
"I'm going to save them!!" I answered angrily. I ripped my arm away.
"Not alone, M'gann, Connor and L'gann will go with you," Nightwing ordered.
"No! No one is coming, but me!" I yelled.
"Where in your mind, did you come up with that?!" He replied furiously.
"Look. I know that Manar only wants me to come!"
I took a deep breath. "Look. You know how I use to be a criminal?" He nodded. "He hired me for a lot of jobs. And one of them was to kill Batman." Nightwing's eyes narrowed. Everyone in the room gasped. "I was going to. But yesterday, I went to go talk to him."
"You did what?!" Nightwing yelled.
"Let me explain!! I was telling him that I will not kill Batman. But now he's making everyone come to save each other's butts, capture us and use us as bait for Batman to come and rescue us. I worked for him before! He's my enemy now! And as much as I don't want to, I have to go. Because he wants me to come! He knows that Catwoman and Batman use to be a couple! He knows that Batman still likes Catwoman! And he knows that I'm Catwoman's daughter!! That's why he wants me there, ok?!"
"Then why go?" Connor asked. Everyone nodded in agreement.
"Because if I don't, even if he gets to kill Batman or not, he will kill them. And even if I get there, he will try to kill all of us. But I've known him for a long time. I know his weaknesses. I can use it against him. Now, let. Me. Go."
Nightwing thought for a while. "Fine, but take this." He threw me a small band with a small red button on it. "It looks like your your Phase Band, but smaller. Hide it under your sleeve. When you need reinforcements, press the button three times."
"You know that Manar has a remote control that can penetrate the connection systems, right?"
"Yeah. But not this," Nightwing replied with a grin. "This is Nightwing's most high- tech technologies. Only I can hack it."
"Nice." I strapped it onto my wrist and pulled the sleeve over it.
"Here is there location," he pulled my arm up and installed a holographic map into it. "Be careful."
I nodded. "See you guys later." I ran to my motorcycle and jumped on. "Or never," I mumbled. I turned the engine on and rode out.
I'm glad they aren't mad at me. Well maybe they are and didn't show it because there was a problem at hand.
I reached the place in ten minutes. It was a museum. Manar always had liked museums. I parked my motorcycle in an alleyway and ran into the museum. It was closed, so no one was here.
I climbed in through the window. I checked the map. I shut it off and began to run to their location. I stopped to check it again. It was two doors ahead. The metal one. I sprinted to it and slammed the door open.
"Aha! Catgirl! How nice it is to see you again!!" Manar greeted.
I smiled at him sarcastically. "I'm glad to see you butt face too, Manar!"
"Oh, you are? But I need to tell you something too! You have just stepped into your doom," he replied with the same sarcasm.

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